Soil Texture
Different Types of Soils ZSand ZSilt ZClay
Sand ZSand has the largest size particles. ZThey range in size from 0.05mm to 2.0 mm in diameter. ZSand feels very gritty. ZSand has a tendency to not hold water as well and dry out quickly.
Silt ZSilt is middle sized particles. ZThe diameter of silt is about 0.002mm to 0.05mm. ZThe silt feels less gritty and will form a ribbon about less than 2 inches long. ZSilt can hold water.
Clay ZClay is the smallest sized particle. ZClay’s diameter is 0.002mm or smaller. ZClay feels very smooth. ZClay can form a ribbon that will be 2 inches or longer. ZClay gives soil the ability to hold water and takes longer to dry out.
The soil triangle
Different Soil Textures ZClay ZSandy Clay ZSilty Clay ZSandy Clay Loam ZSand ZLoamy Sand ZSandy Loam ZSilty Clay Loam ZLoam ZSilt Loam ZSilt
What Does it Mean? ZThe percent of sand, silt and clay represents what the soil is going to be. ZSoil consists of 25% Air, 45% Minerals, 25% Water, 5% Organic Matter ZWhat affects this is compaction of the soil.
Example ZThe soil has 5% Clay, 70% Silt and 25% Sand ZWhat is the Soil?
Look at the Soil Triangle
Answer ZClay Loam