Strenghtening Capacity of local municipalities on European affairs Thomas Wobben Representation of Saxony-Anhalt to the European Union Boulevard Saint Michel 80 B-1040 Brussels
The City of Halle Inhabitants: Area of the City: 135 km² Pop. Density: inhabitants per km² Geographical coverage: 16 km North - South 16 km East - West
Population Trend
Starting Point Urban matters are more and more directly affected by European Regulations (public services, public procurement, environment, etc.) Region of Halle is faced with reduction of EU support through structural funds (statistical effect region) and therefore has to find adequate solutions for reduced public support in the future as a City in the heart of Europe it is important to develop actions in the fields such as: –logistic –European Metropol Regions –European Clusters as the biggest city in Saxony-Anhalt, Halle has the responsibility to lead local authorities in the regions on European Affairs
Halle, a European City Action 1: Development of a strategic frame for a long term European strategy of Halle only a medium/long term strategy is able to have a significant impact on European affairs (focus: 2-4 years) realistic goals with achievable results yearly presentation of a European report to the City council
Halle, a European City Action 2:Identification of priority topics which are important for the medium and long term development of the city focus on urban development matters environmental and planning matters development of transport infrastructure in Europe future of local companies (with regard to competition policy)
Halle, a European City Action 3:Identification of European Networks which could be interesting for the interests of Halle strategic placement of the city in European networks analysing existing networks regarding the interest of the city use urban twinning schemes to support the European interests of the city re-focus the co-operation programmes of the city for the European interests of the city
Halle, a European City Action 4:Assessment of the participation rate of the city in EU programmes Assessment of the current participation rate identifying the potential of future participation in EU programmes financial requirements for higher participation rate in EU programmes
Halle, a European City Action 5: Organisational requirements for an active European Strategy of the City assessment of organisational requirements in the city administration to meet the strategies goals and objectives setting up of an interdepartmental working group to analyse and discuss the matter identify motivated and suitable staff to be included in the European strategy development a human resources development plan to increase capacity temporary secondment scheme to European institutions
Halle, a European City Action 6: Development of Partnerships with Business, Science and Civic Society EU-affairs is not only a matter of public administration but the whole actors in the city participation of Civic society in EU programmes is essential proposal for a yearly city congress „Halle in Europe“ to define joint projects, interests and to create publicity for successful European participation
Thanks for your attention!