Images in the Media Lindsay Diaz & Kino Clarke Ed200 Curriculum Project ‘06 Trinity College
Goal Our main goal is to enhance the students awareness of stereotypical images of people in the media.
Minor Details Ideal for a 7 th grade classroom Length about a week long
Objectives Students will: Reflect critically on images they receive from the media be able to differentiate positive images from negative images in the media and understand how negative images in the media may affect the relationships between races and genders. understand that what the media reports is not always true
Objectives become aware of the dangers of gender stereotyping and the media's role in perpetuating gender stereotypes. develop an awareness of how media bias contributes to negative depictions of visible minorities in the media
Justification The Connecticut State Department of Education Division of Teaching and Learning the art section states that 7 th graders should make connections between visual arts other disciplines and daily life. According to CT frameworks students in 7 th grade should be able to use a variety of strategies to demonstrate respect for and responsibility to others without bias, abuse discrimination or harrassment including but not limited to race, color, sex, religion, national origin and sexual orientation.
Activities for the Week MondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFriday Begin the week with a discussion on body image and gender. Two day lesson split the topics into two days. Continue the discussion from the previous day today focus on gender. Begin lesson on stereotyping. Begin discussion on Race and crime Begin lesson on how they themselves feel they are portrayed in the media as youth Follow up activity, Journal Entry, Have you ever experienced a situation where you were expected to act a certain because you were a girl or boy even thought it might not have been the way you felt like acting? In Class activity, Go through a number of magazines and select different advertisements depicting people in a stereotypical manner. Collect different newspaper articles or magazine stories relating to crime. They are to write a journal entry analyzing them.
EVALUATION Each of the lessons taught will have a follow up activity to either do for homework or in class. Instead of evaluating the students with a test we have decided to take each of the assignments previously assigned for each lesson and have them compiled into a scrapbook. The scrapbook would consist of journal entries, newspaper articles collected over the month and magazine ads.