Final Major Project Survey Results from Surveymonkey and Analysis
Mind-Map Initially I created a mind-map that displayed my original ideas; I showed these to the people I surveyed so they could see my thought process between the ideas. This categorised my ideas and helped me narrow down what product I wanted to create, I could also get reviews from other people on if they would be interested in the product. I carried out the survey discussing my two final ideas, this was the perfume advert and the IPhone advert. By creating this survey, I can get a general ideas of the opinions of the people I surveyed about weather or not they like my product and if they would be interested In buying it. This provided me with useful secondary research into my target audience.
Question One From the results we can see that the majority of the results agreed that the perfume advert was the most appealing to the audience. This was the result that I intended to have when I constructed the survey as I had chosen the perfume advert before as the confirmed option I wanted to produce, however the survey was constructed to gain some constructive criticism from my audience on there views about the importance of each product. By asking witch one of the products is more appealing, I could gain some knowledge on the interests of the audience as appose to product practicality, the data I gathered confirmed that the audience agreed that I should complete an advert for the perfume product instead of the IPhone product. Perfume/ Cologne Apple/ IPhone
Question Two From these results we can see that the data is very varied, meaning that the audience I researched believed that the IPhone product is not as important to them as other products. Most of the results suggest that the responses for this product are mildly important to them. This was a good data result for me as I wanted to complete my advert on the perfume advert, and therefore these results show that most of the audience viewed the importance of the product quite low. By asking this, I could generate a clear way of understanding what percentage of the respondents viewed the product as a crucial factor to there daily lifestyle, and then I could compare the results with the same question but base it on a different product to analyse the outcome. This would show me any correlations between the products helping me to distinguish between them to choose my final product.
Question Three My third question asked the previous question but it was based on my other product that I wanted to choose for the production. Fortunately the results were satisfying as the audience believed that this product was a more important element in there daily lifestyle. Fewer results showed that the audience thought this product was not important. By analysing these data results, I have gained secondary research into my target audience on there viewpoints of the importance of each of my products, by viewing both results I can conclude that the perfume product will be the product I will choose to create an advertisement on; the survey for each product helped me distinguish the value of the products that the audience views.
Question Four the fourth question I asked revolved around the advertisement being successful when they showcase their product. From the results I had gathered we can see that the audience believes that the product is advertised successfully most of the time. This showed me that the adverts they view of perfume products don’t seem to fail to advertise there product. By viewing these results, I can understand that I must follow the common traits that the perfume companies use to advertise their products, thus making a similar advertisement with common factors in the similar adverts to attempt to display the product to the audience successfully with a expectation that the viewers will acknowledge the advertisements intentions.
Question Five The next question askes the survey takers what format they commonly view these advertisements on, this was a very good way of finding out the sources of the platforms that the viewers often see the adverts on. By doing this I can aim to display my advert more focused towards these formats of viewing. This helped me discover that most of the audience view the adverts for perfume on television. This was good information for me as originally I was going to base my advert through social networking and internet sites, however now I will aim to now focus on the television side of the advertising. Constructing this question helped me understand the main format the the audience uses to view products advertised or the most common platform they come across the adverts on.
Question Six My sixth question asks the audience if they are interested in the concept of my advertisement, from the data collected we can see that most of the audience are interested in my idea showing me that they are likely to use the product. The comments suggest that there is a lot of opportunity to create a good advertisement, the comment box was created so the survey takers can justify there response with a message on why they chose a specific answer. This was very useful for me as I could analyse the thoughts of the audience as I could view the explanations from the survey takers as well as the though process and the reason to back up there answer. Yes No Yes
Question Seven Onto my seventh question, I asked the audience about sexualisation in the advertisement industry. From the data I have gathered, we can see the that most of the audience believed that the perfume adverts are very sexualised. This helps me understand another important factor in making a perfume advertisement successful as I can simulate the common traits of the perfume and cologne adverts. The comments for this question were justifying the reasoning for making the advertisement sexualised such as making it appealing or aspiring to its target audience, from these results we can see that the advertisements are successfully including the expected elements in their advertisements. This helped me gain knowledge on what I needed to include in my advertisement and weather the audience agrees on its importance to the success of an advert.
Question Eight My next question revolved around the needed factors in ensuring the success of a cologne or perfume advertisement. This question could only be answered by commenting witch proved me with a more in depth analysis into the personal opinions of the survey takers. By viewing these results we can see that the audience believes that to make an advertisement successful the companies must ensure that they have researched there target audience and aim their product directly at the specific audience to intend to cover their needs and desires in the market. This was very useful data as I could understand that the audience is aware of the advertisements intentions, therefore I had to construct a question on how I could make the advertisement different but still interesting.
Question Nine The ninth question I constructed followed the previous question and was based around successfulness of a products advertisement. I asked the survey takers if they would like to view a different type of advertisement or one that tis similar to others. Gathering the data we can see that most of the audience would like to have a advert that follows the expected traits but has a surprise factor within to make it stand out from other adverts in the market that have the same intentions. This helped me distinguish the outlining factors that the audience are not as happy to view, therefore I could tweak my advertisements proposal to suite a wider range of people which then further expands the chances of the advertisements success.
Question Ten My final question revolved around the topic of generalisation and categorisation of the advertisement. I asked about age group, gender and class suitability and most of the results I had gathered suggested that they believed the adverts can be too specific in the market aiming their product towards a narrow market of people. Nevertheless contrasting to this many comments also suggested that specialisation can be important to the success of the advertisement as the companies must focus there product on a certain point with research ensuring their success to their target audiences.