TIG Fair, Overview: Electromagnetics Technical Interest Group Glenn S. Smith Chairman, Electromagnetics TIG School of Electrical and Computer Engineering VanLeer W329
TIG Fair, Applied Electromagnetics Electromagnetics involves the study of Maxwell’s equations and their application to the analysis and design of devices and systems Maxwell's equations represent one of the most concise statements of the fundamentals of electricity and magnetism. It is from here that most of the working relationships in field of electromagnetics are developed. The dynamic field of electromagnetics encompasses such far-reaching areas as microwave communications, antenna design, microwave millimeter engineering, and remote sensing. These cutting edge technologies are applied to national defense and security, the space program, and every form of commercial communications. ECE offers its graduate students ongoing opportunities to work as graduate Research Assistants or Graduate Teaching Assistants.
TIG Fair, Electromagnetics Faculty Gregory Durgin: Propagation, Remote Sensing John Papapolymerou: Microwave Circuits, Antenna Analysis, Mixed Signal Systems Andrew Peterson: Numerical Methods, Antenna Analysis, Mixed Signal Systems Waymond Scott: Remote Sensing (Mine Detection), Antenna Analysis, Numerical Methods Glenn Smith: Antenna Analysis and Design, Numerical Methods Paul Steffes : Planetary Remote Sensing, Space Communications Madahaven Swaminathan : Microwave Circuits, Numerical Methods, Mixed Signal Systems Emmanouil Tentzeris : Numerical Methods, Microwave Circuits, Antenna Analysis
TIG Fair, Course Offerings: Undergraduate ECE Electromagnetics (Required): To present the laws and applications of electromagnetics. Offered all terms. ECE Electromagnetic Applications: To present concepts in waveguiding and radiation, with applications to microwaves, antennas, and optics. Offered all terms. ECE Antenna Engineering: Basic theory, application, and design of a broad range of antennas. Offered fall term. Prereq. ECE 3065 ECE Introduction to Radar and Electromagnetic Sensing : Introduces students to radar systems, including pulsed, CW, CWFM and MTI radars. Other techniques for electromagnetic sensing such as radiometry and EM tagging are discussed. Offered spring term, alternate years. Prereq. ECE ECE Electromagnetic Compatibility: To study electromagnetic interference and susceptibility of electrical systems, with application to analog and digital circuits. Offered summer term. Prereqs. ECE 3025 & ECE 3040.
TIG Fair, Course Offerings: Graduate ECE Applied Electromagnetics: The methodology and application of advanced electromagnetic theory. Offered fall term. ECE Microwave Design: Applications of electromagnetic theory to microwave components and systems. Introduction to the latest characterization and design techniques including monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) technology. Offered spring term. ECE Electromagnetic Radiation and Antennas: The fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation and antennas. Offered spring term. ECE Introduction to Computational Electromagnetics: The practical application of the finite-difference time-domain and finite element techniques to electromagnetic problems. Computer projects are required. Offered fall term, alternate years. ECE Satellite Communications and Navigation Systems: To introduce satellite communications and navigation system design including microwave transmission, satellite transponders, earth station hardware and satellite networks. Offered fall term.