Monday, Dec Turn in your New England Farmer worksheet if you did not Friday (also your Daniel Boone worksheet) 1.Update your table of contents DateTitleEntry # 12/8New England Farmer worksheet 66 12/12 Ideas Behind the Constitution 67 2.Turn to your next blank page and set up Cornell notes 3.Title it: Ideas Behind the Constitution
Dec. 12: Ideas Behind the Constitution I.Roman Concepts- Republic: Citizens rule themselves -Civic Virtue: you served in public office not for the money but for the good of the country
Ideas Behind the Constitution I.Roman Concepts II.English Tradition -Magna Carta: King had to obey laws, right to private property and jury trial -English Bill of Rights: Jury trial, Habeas Corpus (have to be charged w/ a crime if going to jail)
Ideas Behind the Constitution I.Roman Concepts II.English Tradition III.Enlightenment Thinkers -John Locke (English): People have natural rights; governments are to protect the people -Montesquieu (French): Separation of powers (leg., ex., jud. Branch)
Ideas Behind the Constitution I.Roman Concepts II.English Tradition III.Enlightenment Thinkers IV.American Experience -Mayflower Compact: Self-government -Declaration of Independence: Grievances against the King -Articles of Confederation: Northwest Ordinance 3 questions Summary:
Guided Reading Section 2: Creating a Constitution A.Making Generalizations Generalizations Well educated
Guided Reading Section 2: Creating a Constitution A.Making Generalizations Generalizations Well educated Politically Active
Guided Reading Section 2: Creating a Constitution A.Making Generalizations Generalizations Well educated Politically Active Many were heroes of the Revolutionary War
Guided Reading Section 2: Creating a Constitution A.Making Generalizations Generalizations Well educated Politically Active Many were heroes of the Revolutionary War All were wealthy white men