LEAD21 Unit 5: Now and Then Week 1 Day 4
Extend the Theme Theme Question: How do communities change, and how do they stay the same? Focus Question: What was life like in the past? Let’s take a look at pages 8 and 9 in our story, Unlock the Past-Build the Future. What do you see in the four pictures? Can you describe the transportation, shopping, schools, ways of having fun, jobs, and communities? Suppose you were asked to give a presentation about our community to students who had just moved here. What would you tell them about our community in the past? What would you tell them about the present?
Let’s see if we can classify the words and phrases into the correct category. Extend Theme Vocabulary Theme Concepts children workpeople settle near ports computer jobsdirt roads supermarketsmarkets in streetssubwayshighways we go to schoolpeople live in suburbs ride in cars NowThen Change
What does it mean to summarize? -Summarizing means retelling the most important information from a text in your own words. -This is just one of the many strategies we can use while we read. Let’s take a look at pg. 13. How can we summarize what we read? This page describes how San Francisco changed over time. To summarize, I will use the strategy of determining important information to find important ideas. Two important ideas are: San Francisco changed from a tiny port to a big city when many people moved there to mine gold, and today jobs include banks and computers. I will include these in my summary: San Francisco is a big city because people went there when gold was discovered in 1848, but today they work on computers and in banks.
Analyze Text Structure PagesQuestionText Evidence 8-9 How have people changes the ways they get the things they need? Describe children’s life in the past How did these communities change? Let’s read the first paragraph together on page 8. I can make a statement and support it using text evidence. My statement is “Transportation in communities has changed.” Page 8 has details that support my statement. It says, “People now use subways but in the past used horses and carts.” I will record this and page 8.
Phonics: Prefixes un-, re-, mis- A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word. Adding a prefix changes the meaning of the base word. Definitions for Prefix Match-Up to put something in a box againto take something out of a box to use something in the wrong wayto use something again to cover up againto take off the cover sadto read something in the wrong way to read something againnot scared un- not or the opposite of re- again mis- wrongly, in a way that is not correct Do you know what the words below mean? Draw a line under the prefix and match the word with the definition above. repackunpackmisusereread unhappy reuserewrapunwrapmisreadunafraid
Spelling 1.You find this on a zebra. 2.You use this to hold a kite that’s in the air. 3.This is a sound a scared person makes. 4.This is a small leftover piece of food. 5.This is the name of a season. 6.You can use a hose to do this with water. 7.If you jump in a puddle, you make one of these. 8.If you share something, you do this with it. 9.This is where you are right now. 10.If you go in one side of a door and out the other, you go this way. Can you solve the riddle using our spelling words?
Fluency : “One Hundred Years Ago ”
Revise the Model A long time ago, Alexander Graham Bell had an idea for the telephone. She was experimenting with electricity? He believed he could send sound over wires. He got his friend Thomas A. Watson to help. They spent a long time experimenting.
Edit the Model Who invented the telephone? In the early 1870s Alexander Graham Bell had an idea for the telephone. She was experimenting with electricity? He believed he could send the human voice over wires. He got his friend Thomas A. Watson to help. they spent a long time experimenting.