Creating the street of the future. In this project you get to create your own futuristic house using a tool called Google Sketchup. Afterwards you will present your street in a website highlighting the main features of your ideas.
Website design Objectives Be able to: Identify the good and bad features of other websites Understand how to: design a website that meets the requirements and the audience intended Know what features you can incorporate in your own website.
Website design Websites to critique
Website design What makes a bad website
Website design What your website will contain 1)Description of the project 2)Video of final product 3)Tools and techniques used with visual examples. 4)Explanation of some of the design ideas 5)Some research about what could actually be in the house of the future 6)Extra – Some more detailed views of one particular house design and its interior. HOME Page 1 and 2 Sketchup 3 & 4 The Future 5 Gallery 6