Procedures There are many procedures that everyone will need to follow in this class. They will help make your life easier and will keep our classroom running smoothly.
Bell work/Entering Class –Each day there will be bell work, located on the front wipe board. -The procedure is to come into class quietly, move your popsicle stick, sit in your assigned seat, get out your materials and immediately begin the bell work.
Bathroom If you need to use the restroom please hold up this sign:If you need to use the restroom please hold up this sign:
Bathroom Please have your “Passport” part of your agenda filled out! Then, when I have seen this signal, I will nod. You can put a stamp on my signature or I will initial it.Please have your “Passport” part of your agenda filled out! Then, when I have seen this signal, I will nod. You can put a stamp on my signature or I will initial it. You must sign the time you return in your agenda! NO EXCEPTIONS!You must sign the time you return in your agenda! NO EXCEPTIONS! Only two people, one boy and one girl, may ever be out using the restroom at a time. If both are gone, you must patiently wait until someone returns.Only two people, one boy and one girl, may ever be out using the restroom at a time. If both are gone, you must patiently wait until someone returns. Please do not interrupt a lesson to use the restroom, unless it is an absolute emergency. Thank you!Please do not interrupt a lesson to use the restroom, unless it is an absolute emergency. Thank you!
Late Passes/ Tardies If you enter the classroom after the bell rings, please DO NOT talk or disturb the class in any way. Follow these procedures: Tardies –If you arrive to class after 8:45, I will mark you tardy. –This also means if you come to class late after lunch, you will be marked as tardy. Late Passes –If you are late to class and have a pass, please put it in my mailbox.
Late Work/ Missing Work Late WorkLate Work –Any work turned in after I collect it is considered late unless you were absent. –It is still your responsibility to turn the missing work into me the next day! –Once the concept has been tested or assessed, I will no longer accept the assignment as late. Instead, a zero will be given for the missing work. –You will also have a signature in your agenda. *Remember, you can ONLY have four signatures in your agenda if you would like to attend the team half way reward or the Quarter Party* I know you will have no signatures I know you will have no signatures Make good choices!
Absent Work If you are absent, first check the homework page online to see what you missed. Please go to the “News” page on our class website to see what we did in class that day. When you return to school, check the absent folders for any handouts you missed. Ask a friend/neighbor if there was anything else. Then, if you have any questions, please come see me Please do the above FIRST!
Reading Corner The Reading Corner is a place just for you! You must respect the chairs, tables, posters and books at ALL times. Not doing so will result in the loss of using the Reading Corner. The reading corner is a place for you to sit and read comfortably and quietly. You may go to the reading corner: –When it is your turn during designated reading time You may not go and sit in the reading corner during classroom instruction. You MUST ask for permission to sit in the reading unless it is your turn and I say that you may. Only two students at a time are permitted in the reading corner.
Computers ALWAYS respect our school computers. You are not allowed to go on a computer until you have permission from me. You are not allowed to play games on the computer unless you ask. If you are not doing what you should be doing on the computer, you will lose computer privileges. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Throwing Things Away/ Sharpening your pencil Please do not get up to throw something away while I am teaching or someone is speaking in front of the class. Please do not sharpen your pencil while I am teaching or while someone is speaking in class or speaking to the class. You may do these things before class, after class or when the lesson is over and you are working on your work. You should always have an extra writing utensil just in case. ABSOLUTELY NO “Basketball Shots” into the trashcan!
Borrowing Materials Please ALWAYS ask me before you borrow any of my things. I have labeled everything to help you find things easier. Please ALWAYS return all borrowed materials and put them back in their proper place nicely. Stealing and/or misusing any materials will result in the loss of using/borrowing any classroom materials for the rest of the year and I will refer you to the office.
Checking Out Books from the Classroom Library Feel free to check out any classroom books at any time you want. You must sign out the book on “Miss Griffin’s Classroom Library Form.” If you do not want the book you picked out from my library or our class library, you must either: –Put it in the “Return” bin –Put it back exactly where you found it
Consequences ONE warning. Sign agenda Lunch Detention Call home (even if you do not have three signatures). Office *Severe Clause* Severe Behavior = Immediate Action
Asking Questions You may always ask me questions, but before you do, try the following: –Think about the question to see if you can answer it yourself. –Ask three other people before asking me. However, you must ask them at appropriate times and talk quietly enough so that you do not disturb others.
Getting Your Attention If I need everyone’s attention, I will raise my hand or turn off the lights. When I raise my hand, you need to: –Freeze and stop what you’re doing –Stop talking –Look at me –Raise your hand –Quiet other people around you and signal them to look at me too.
Dismissal The time does NOT dismiss you. I do. You are not permitted to leave until I dismiss you. Before you leave, please push in your chair/put it up (if at the end of the day), straighten your desk, etc. Pick up a few things off the floor (EVEN IF IT ISN’T YOURS) I will not let you leave until these things are done.
When I am not in the room You are to be in your assigned seat. You are to be silently working on something or doing something productive. You are to continue to follow all classroom rules and procedures.
Guest Teachers I was a guest teacher last year. Please always be kind/respectful to the guest teacher at all times. Please help the guest teacher with anything he/she needs. You know the routines I will tell the guest teacher to write names down of students who do not act appropriately. If I find that your name is on his/her list, you will not be going to the half way team reward during interims AND you will get a lunch detention. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Following Procedures Following the procedures = A wonderful classroom atmosphere/environment Confident and productive students A very happy teacher A fabulous school year!!!!!!!! Note: Other procedures will be added if needed.