The Watsons Go To Birmingham Bellwork Chapters 11-15
0 Public – (adj)open to everyone 0 Electrocute – (verb) to hurt or kill with electricity 0 Reputation – (noun) status; the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something. 0 Snitch – (verb) tattle; inform on someone. 0 Imitate – (verb) a thing intended to simulate or copy something else 0 Survive – (verb) last, to live; continue to live or exist, esp. in spite of danger or hardship
January 20, 2014 Part 2 0 Discriminate – (verb) to make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people or things, esp. on the grounds of race, sex, or age. 0 Landing – (noun) safe place for boats to land 0 Genie – (noun) – a spirit with magical powers 0 Whirlpool – (noun) a rapidly rotating mass of water 0 Wily – (adj) marked by skill in deception 0 Peons – (noun) – unimportant people
January 21, 2014 Part 1 0 Study the vocabulary words. Think of a way that you could put the words in categories. Group the words and be ready to defend the way you grouped them.
January 21, 2014 Part 2 0 Write out each of the three synonyms and then label with the correct vocabulary word. 0 Impersonate, duplicate, replicate 0 Betray, tattle, inform 0 Segregate, single out, separate 0 Crafty, clever, shifty
January 22, 2014 Part 1 Change the following verbs to a noun, then write a sentence using both of the words. Underline both words. Ex: imitate (verb) imitation (noun): I like to imitate my mother when she gets angry, and I think my imitation is a good one. 0 Electrocute (v) 0 Survive (v) 0 Discriminate (v)
January 22, 2014 Part 2 Write a sentence with each of the vocabulary words. Both words should be in the same sentence. Remember – sentences should have at least seven words! 0 Wily, peons 0 Genie, whirlpool 0 Landing, discriminate (be sure you use the correct definition for the word “landing”) 0 Reputation, snitch
January 23, 2014 Part 1 Try to write out the definition of these words without looking back at your bellwork. If you can’t, study the words, then go back and write the meaning. 0 Electrocute 0 Survive 0 Reputation 0 public 0 Peons 0 discriminate
January 23, 2014 Part 2 0 Try to write out the definition of these words without looking back at your bellwork. If you can’t, study the words, then go back and write the meaning. 0 Snitch 0 Imitate 0 Landing 0 Genie 0 Whirlpool 0 Wiley
January 24, 2014 Part 1 0 Give a partner a vocabulary quiz. Call out the definition and have them write the word that goes with the definition. Then switch.
January 24, 2014 Part 2 0 Spend ten minutes studying your vocabulary words. Then prepare your paper for the weekly quiz.