Coming full circle changes in scholarly communication and the role of liaison librarians 34 th IAMSLIC conference, Suva, Fiji September 16 th 2008 Presented by Sally Taylor, UBC Library
Setting the scene Interior of AERL, UBC photo by Sherman Lai Woodward Library, UBC photo by UBC Library Graphics
UBC Library and cIRcle “IRs are an excellent way to illustrate universities' contributions to the public - who, after all, offer invaluable support to our institutions. As universities use IRs to control and share their output, scholarly communication and publishing are truly coming full circle.” –
Making contact
Doing my homework Journal impact & Access Top 10 journals (JCR & EF) OA publications in fisheries (DOAJ) Self archiving (SHERPA/RoMEO) Author rights (ACRL webcast)
Open Access and Fisheries “Open access is the condition where access to the fishery is unrestricted” – OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms “Open Access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions.” – Peter Suber
The experience A chance to learn and be creative Graduate students: ETD A free book! cIRcle Open Journal Systems OA journal Archiving data
Consider… Your audience The content The delivery “… it opens up the possibility of having a conversation that the faculty member enjoys and sustains, for what do faculty members enjoy more than discussing their research?” – Bell et al. 2005
Changing roles? Recruiting content for repositories Educating faculty & students “Make it part of your job” Fluid and evolving New skills “What can we stop doing?”
Additional resources Web cast on author rights olarlycomm/author_rights_webcas.cfm DOAJ SHERPA/RoMEO Open Journals Systems
Readings Bell, Foster & Gibbons Reference librarians and the success of institutional repositories. Reference Services Review 33: Turtle & Courtois Scholarly communication: science librarians as advocates for change. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship 51 Summer. Rodwell & Fairbairn Dangerous liaisons? Defining the Faculty Liaison Librarian service model, its effectiveness and sustainability. Library Management 29:
THANK YOU! Presentation to the Fisheries Centre ch-write-publish-tips-and-tools-to-get- you-through/ ch-write-publish-tips-and-tools-to-get- you-through/ Sally Taylor Woodward Library University of British Columbia