Grand Avenue Middle School Welcome to Your Library Your Librarian: Mrs. Walker
Visiting the Library… You will Come to the Library: With any of your subject teachers as a class to do research, take out books, use the computers and our school’s online databases. With a pass from your teacher. With a lunch pass from the teachers in the cafeteria You can also visit the library before school and after school and during our After School Program. Sign In Sheets You must sign in each time you come to the library during the school day. Green Sign In Sheet - Lunch Yellow Sign In Sheet - All other library visits
Before School The library opens at 7:56 AM Once students are allowed into the building you can come into the library to check out or return books and/or use the computers. You must get to your first period class on time.
Lunch Periods You can get a lunch pass from the teacher in your lunch room. Finish your lunch in the lunch room. When you arrive at the library sign in on the Green Lunch Sheet. You must stay in the library until the bell rings at the end of your lunch period. Computers and printers are reserved for research and school work You can read, study and do homework, or use the computers. If you want to talk loudly with a large group of friends it is better to stay in the lunch room.
Between Classes You can make a quick visit to the library between classes to: Check out or return books Use the computer or print Please Note: You must get to your next class on time!!!!
Library After School Program The After School Program Begins in October What You Need to Know: Hours: 2:41 – 5:00 PM Check out or return books Use the textbooks Work on homework Read Use the computers and our online databases Read our magazines Work on group projects Study
Bellmore-Merrick Home Page
Grand Ave Middle School Library Webpage
How Do You Find a Book in the Library? We have an Online Catalog Destiny is our Online Automation System Click on Grand Ave Library under the Library tab on the Bellmore-Merrick Home Page. Click on Online Catalog
Online Search Books:
Online Search Web Sites
Adding Books to a List Add just the books you need for your research!
My List You can now print just the books in your list.
Use Destiny Quest You can use Destiny Quest for browsing!
Computers and Online Resources You must log on to the computers with your username and password. May be used for research and schoolwork Online databases and online searches
Online Resources Online databases may be accessed from the Bellmore-Merrick homepage Click on Grand Ave Library under the Library tab on the Bellmore-Merrick Home Page. Click on Online Resources You will need a username and password to access the databases. Databases may also be accessed from home with a username and password.
Databases are listed in alphabetical order.
Fiction books are stories written by the author. Fiction books are arranged on the shelf in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. FIC Condie Matched Ally Condie
Nonfiction books contain facts about real things, people, events and places. Nonfiction books are organized by their subject. Call numbers (spine labels) range from and have the first three letters of author’s last name with the numbers MCP Fields of Fury The American Civil War James M. McPherson
Biographies are books written about a person and their life. Biographies have their own section. Biographies are arranged alphabetically by the last name of the person the biography is written about. B LENNON EDM John Lennon A Biography Jacqueline Edmondson
Check Out You may check out books for 2 weeks – Sign out the card in the book with your full name – Your book will be stamped with the due date – You may always renew your books so please return them on time Periodicals do not circulate - You may read them in the library Reference Books - May be used in the library - Some may be checked out overnight
Grand Ave Middle School Library Start Your Year Off Right! Visit Your Library Often The Library Media Center…. Your place to study, learn, and explore!