Music Magazine Ideas Pitch of ideas
Genre/sub-genre Pop – popular music that in the charts Specifically female artists e.g. Rihanna and Lady Gaga..
Audience Young people, e.g. 15 – 25, specifically girls because the sub genre is female artists and they will be mostly interested in their music. They will be young because I feel that they are the people who mostly listen to chart music as it is usually targeted at them and most of the people in the charts provide music for them. So my magazine will also provide for a young audience.
Name of magazine - Notes - Chorus - Melody - Verse
Reader Profile My reader is a 17 year old female student, who is studying music at College, she is in to different types of music because of her course but she prefers the music that are in the charts, so predominantly pop music. She has an annual subscription to the magazine and receives them monthly, she buys this magazine because it provides her with information about who is in the charts, e.g. new artists entering the charts or artists who are continuously having number 1 hits.
Tag Line Keeping a note of music We’re not A minor Hit the right Note You’re going to have to take notes I think I am going to select “Hit the right Note” as my tag line as I think that it is short and catchy, it also shows the 2 different meanings of the word “Notes” – the music notes and the writing of notes.
Mission Statement I aim to create a stylish, informative and interesting magazine which will appeal to young people. It will provide information about the latest artists and how they are doing in the charts.