Life Lesson Changing your attitude towards life
Discussion Why did the writer choose to talk about this life lesson?
Rule 1 Life is not fair. Get used to it. Problem Advice Students are complaining that they are not fairly treated. Accept what life is and get used to meeting unfair things.
Rule 2 The real world won ’ t care as much about your self-esteem as your school does. It ’ ll expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. Problem Advice Students expect that everyone cares about their feelings. Do something good to prove yourself Then you can win others ’ respect
Rule 3 Sorry, you won ’ t make $40,000 a year right out of high school. And you won ’ t be a vice-president or have a car phone either. You may even have to wear a uniform that doesn ’ t have a Gap label. Problem Advice Young people expect to get a well-paid job immediately after graduation Be humble and accept a low rank job
Matching Match the problems with the advice Pay attention to the key words
Rule 4 If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss.
Rule 5 Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.
Rule 6 It ’ s not your parents ’ fault. If you screw up, you are responsible.
Rule 7 Before you were born, your parents weren ’ t as boring as they are now. They got that way paying your bills, cleaning up your room and listening to you tell them how idealistic you are.
Rule 8 Your school may have done away with winners and losers. Life hasn ’ t.
Rule 9 Life is not divided into semesters, and you don ’ t get summers off. Not even Easter break. They expect you to show up every day. For eight hours. And you don ’ t get a new life every 10 weeks. It just goes on and on.
Rule 10 Television is not real life. Your life is not a sitcom. Your problems will not all be solved in 30 minutes, minus time for commercials.
Rule 11 Be nice to nerds. You may end up working for them. We all could.
Discussion Do Hong Kong teenagers have the same problems? Which rules would be applicable to them?
Over to you Imagine you are the following people, what advice would you give to our younger generation? –School principal –The school social worker –Mr Donald Tsang
Adopt a Suitable Tone You are the school social worker, giving a talk to parents who have difficulties in disciplining their kids. You are the principal of the school giving a talk to students who have broken the school rules. You are taking part in a speech festival, presenting your ideas to a group of teachers and principals. You are an eye-witness of a robbery, giving your statement to the police. You are campaigning in a District Board election, talking to some residents in Tsuen Wan
Over To You You are a member of a group of students who are preparing for a presentation about making teenagers more enthusiastic towards their lives in a speech festival. You will probably want to talk about ways to catch and hold the young people ’ s attention in your presentation
Discussion Now you need to discuss the advice you would like to give to those young people and how you can present your ideas in an effective way
How can you catch and hold? Invite a guest speaker: celebrity, expert Explain with personal experience Include a current affair Use lively, fascinating examples Crack a joke Include a dialogue or interaction with audience
How can you catch and hold? Appropriate tone Action or gesture Clear and loud voice projection Show with a video clip, powerpoint presentation which includes animation, cartoon, special sound effects Conduct an interview and show the results Do a simple experiment