15-16 February 2010ELGPN - WP1 on CMS - Novy Smokevec 1 Current CMS policy developments in France Dissemination of ELGPN outcomes at national level Impact at national policy development 1- Generalization of the « pathway for the discovery of jobs and training » for all pupils from 12 years to the end of secondary education A pedagogical approch, with a pedagogical progression suggested for each school year, With « job phases » and « highlights » to work on it, On the 3 domains of the CMS: - Knowledge of professions, etc. - Knowledge of training courses, etc. - Self-assessment and self-knowledge organised by each school - A national circular of july A national handbook with 15 references points ** - A 2 days national conference for 300 managers with the minister of national education and Jos Noesen **
15-16 February 2010ELGPN - WP1 on CMS - Novy Smokevec 2 Current CMS policy developments in France Dissemination of ELGPN outcomes at national levels Impact at national policy development 2- Generalization of the assessment of the common base of knowledge and skills * the assessment by teachers will be compulsory in June 2010 for all pupils 16 year old (end of college), - Fixed on a certificat paper * From June 2011, the new diploma of the national certificat (Diplôme national du Brevet – DNB -first diploma for pupils) cannot be obtained without this assessment fixed on a national on line tool A new competence-based way of teaching 6th and 7th competences of the common base do not refer to « academic subjects » 7th implicitly refers to CMS ** 3- The Law « Freedom & Responsability of University » 2007 guidance & professionnal integration as a new remit they must provide information and advise to pupils and publish data about achieving, learning and professional pathways of their students after leaving
15-16 February 2010ELGPN - WP1 on CMS - Novy Smokevec 3 Current CMS policy developments in France Dissemination of ELGPN outcomes at national levels Impact at national policy development 4- « The new Lycée » (general & technological high school) first year: september 2010 second year: september 2011 last year: september 2012 2h/week (or 72h/year) within the timetable of all pupils accorded to their needs for « personalized accompaniment » by teachers on 3 thematics: - Support activities - Deepening topics activities - Career guidance (time for the « pathway for discovery ») A « tutorial » teacher for all volonteer pupils, along the 3 years of lycée to provide guidance and advice building their own training pathway and career choices in the 1st year, they have to choose 2 exploration subjects, including discovery of further studies and jobs (2x1h30/weekly timetable)
15-16 February 2010ELGPN - WP1 on CMS - Novy Smokevec 4 Current CMS policy developments in France Dissemination of ELGPN outcomes at national levels Impact at national policy development 5- The Law of the 24th of november 2009 *on LIFELONG GUIDANCE AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Important developments on the 4 priority areas of the 2008 resolution: CMS/Access/Coordination/Quality. a new right for each person to be informed, advised and accompanied on vocational guidance building a new public lifelong guidance service a new delegate (DIO) on behalf the prime minister and so on… about CMS: - reference to the acquisition of knowledge and skills following the common base - model of « guidance and training passport » - experimentation of a « competences booklet »