FRENCH REVOLUTION THE REIGN of TERROR Lesson #5. Violent phase of French Revolution 1.Execution of the King (The Republic) (602) 2.Reign of Terror (604)


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Presentation transcript:


Violent phase of French Revolution 1.Execution of the King (The Republic) (602) 2.Reign of Terror (604) 3.Death by Guillotine (605) 4.The Terror’s Victims (605) 5.Formation, Intervention, The End… (599) Exchange paragraphs (read one, listen to other) Summarize each paragraph Be prepared to explain to class

Violent phase of French Revolution 1.Execution of the King (The Republic) (602) King Louis put on trial for treason FOUND GUILTY EXECUTED JANUARY, 1793

Execution of Louis XVI

Violent phase of French Revolution 2. Reign of Terror (604) 40,000 people executed Mostly poor peasants The remaining Nobles

Reign of Terror

Violent phase of French Revolution 3. Death by Guillotine (605) Equal Efficient Public

The Guillotine

Violent phase of French Revolution 4. The Terror’s Victims (605) 40,000 people executed Mostly poor peasants The remaining Nobles

Violence of Terror

Violent phase of French Revolution 5. Formation, Intervention, The End… (599)