By: Michael Sellars Period 5
Intro Bullying is more of a major issue than you think. If you are a parent you keep a close eye on your child because your child may become be being bullied. 60% of Middle School students claim they have been bullied. 16% of teachers think some students are being bullied. If you aren’t careful your child may become a bully. Because bullying is such a major issue for children, we should give advice to our school administrators on how to stop bullying in school
Stop the Influence of Bullying to young children Bullying usually starts in Elementary school. This happens because they have no other way of solving their problems or they are being influenced by middle school and high school students and older siblings. To stop the start of bullying for younger children the school counselor can plan to see the students every once in a while to discuss what is going on in there life.
Making More Strict Rules The reason why bullying keeps going is because they are in school. If we just expel students that get into fights or call students names then we would have less violence in the schools and students will feel better about themselves. The students may also mature earlier than when they mature now because bullies tend to be more immature than anyone else in school.
Having More Staff We have the teacher then the Para educators then the Administration then the principle. I think we should add a new section for teachers one that takes role in collecting bully information then report it to the office. This role is called school situation reporter. Even in schools with security there may only be like 2 to 4 guards. Half of the teachers working as situation reports at schools should be 50% of the teachers total.