Welcome Freshmen! What are the Critical Skills for Your Success? What will you need to find success in and out of high school? Is it all about grades? Coursework? Attendance? Co-curricular activities? Who is responsible for your success? Who will help you become successful? How will you know when you need help? Who will help you? How will I learn what I need to live in the real world?
What do you need to be successful in High School? Be on time for school and for your other responsibilities and obligations; Be reliable and truthful; Act responsibly and be accountable for your actions; Follow the rules and procedures for learning and for your safety; Read and understand your written materials; do your homework; Read numbers and calculate accurately; Math is important – you will use Math in real life; Work and play well with other students, teachers, friends, and teammates; Get involved in activities, sports, clubs, and your community; Communicate clearly with your teachers, coaches, teammates, and co-workers. Learn how to ask for what you need to be successful; Manage yourself, your behavior, and act and work responsibly, and Accept feedback for your improvement in school work, sports, co- curricular activities and friendships.
How will I know when I need help? Your performance in your classes; Missing assignments or projects; Your grades; You feel the class is moving too fast or too slow. You know when you’re struggling. The best advice we can give is to not wait to get help.
Support & Resources for Success The Principals: How can they help you? Mr. Kersten, Principal Mr. Grabarski, Associate Principal for freshmen and sophomores Mr. Mommaerts, Associate Principal for juniors and seniors The School Counselors: How can they help you? Ms. Bishop – Students A-E Mrs. Fassbender – Students F-K Mr. Landis – Students L-Q Mrs. Kuntz & Mrs. Glynn – Students R-Z
Support & Resources for Success The School-to-Career Counselor: How can he help you? Mr. Benz The Reading & Writing Specialist: How can she help you? Mrs. Jenna Cramer The Social Worker: How can she help you? Ms. Sheppleman The School Psychologist: How can she help you? Ms. Fesenmaier
Real World Skills: What are these Critical Employability Skills? This is what employers (the real world) are looking for in employees: Be on time for work and for meetings; Be reliable and truthful; Act professionally and be accountable for your actions; Follow the safety rules and procedures; Read and understand written material; Read numbers and calculate accurately; Work well with other employees and customers; Communicate clearly with managers and co-workers; Manages self and work responsibly, and Accept feedback for your improvement.