Marching Toward War
Nationalism Pride in one’s country
Nationalism Competition between European powers for industrial dominance and power
Imperialism A nation’s desire to dominate another country politically, socially, and economically
Imperialism Intensified European rivalries and mistrust toward one another as they competed for colonies in Asia and Africa
Militarism A policy glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war and able to mobilize troops quickly in case of war
Militarism Led to an arms race and formation of large standing armies and, eventually to military allies
Triple Alliance An agreement created by Germany who saw France as a threat to peace -Germany -Austria-Hungary -Italy
Triple Alliance Created an unstable and fragile alliance that tried to isolate France
Triple Entente Alliance among Britain, France, and Russia in which Britain pledged not to fight France and Russia
Triple Entente Established two rival camps in Europe- Triple Alliance and Triple Entente Created the possibility that any dispute between rival powers could draw all into war
Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand A Serbian Nationalist murdered Archduke, heir to the Austrian- Hungarian throne and his wife
Assassination of Arch Duke Provided Austria-Hungary with an excuse to launch war on Serbia, leading to a confrontation between Austria and Russia
Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria
Allies Great Britain, France, and Russia Italy, Japan Belgium Montenegro Serbia Romania Greece
Western Front The deadlocked region along northern France that bordered the frontlines of the German advances Slaughter and stalemate were common
Eastern Front A stretch of battlefront along the border shared by Germany and Russia. Russians and Serbs battled against Germans and Austrians More mobile front than the West Slaughter and stalemate were common
Schlieffen Plan German battle strategy to fight a war on both fronts Plan to attack and defeat French quickly and then move troops to Eastern Front against Russia who had an under developed rail system for moving troops to the front