EQ: How did the Revolution become more radical and what were the effects?


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Presentation transcript:

EQ: How did the Revolution become more radical and what were the effects?

3 rd Estate formed National Assembly and created a new constitution Adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man Still have a king Moderate, not radical

June Louis calls troops to Paris in case he needs to maintain order People are not sure about the new government

Fearful citizens in Paris attack the Bastille (symbol of the old society) Old prison. Stored gunpowder, weapons

Extreme Left, very liberal Want a Republic, equality, control of economics (ex. Bread prices) No king

Louis is put to trial and convicted of treason against France Executed in January 1793

Formation of the Committee of Public Safety CPS controls the government CPS is in charge of protecting the republic from “enemies” Enemy = anyone who disagrees with the CPS

Maximilien Robespierre is the leader of CPS Governs France through fear Guillotine – capital punishment device Goes after nobles and fellow revolutionaries who could challenge his power Approx. 40,000 people were executed