Anti-Bullying Week By Aurnia and Katie
S.T.O.P S = SEVERAL T = TIMES O = ON P = PURPOSE If you get bullied several times on purpose you should tell an adult. If another child comes up to you and calls you a name once it is not bullying!
When is Anti-Bullying Week? Anti-Bullying Week commences on the 19 th November (today) and it finishes on the 24 th of November. REMEMBER school council is holding a competition to design a poster or wristband with the words STOP on it to advertise anti –bullying week. The deadline of the competition is Friday 24 th of November.
What Can You Do To Help During Anti-Bullying Week? Be kind, caring and be more friendly towards each other. Help people who are lonely, sad, scared, worried and hurt by playing with them or cheering them up.
Help other people. If you see other people being bullied in the playground or around the school. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO ? Please tell an adult ! YOU WILL NOT GET INTO TROUBLE
So Remember … St Albans mission statement is to love, learn, share and respect in the light of Jesus. Say no to bullying and remember STOP