Industry Snapshot 2015
A cross-platform medium Local newsbrands, in print and online, are among the UK’s most popular media, reaching 40 million people every week 28 million frequently (4-5 times+ a week) read local media via print, online or through an app Source: JICREG (April 2015), GB TGI Q3 2015
Of the 40 million, the reach is split Source: JICREG (April 2015) Cross- platform 39.6m
A B C1 ABC1 C2 D E Local newsbrands social split 12.2m of the ABC1 population reads a local newspaper Source: GB TGI Q Did you know: 4% 23.5 % 26.8%54.3% 20.7% 15.5% 9.6%
Local newspapers reach more year- olds than commercial radio Source: GB TGI Q Read by a variety of ages Did you know:
90-100% 80-90% 70-80% 60-70% 50-60% 40-50% % % Print Online 44% 52% 48% 60 % 42% 44% 58% 57% 51% 70% 77% 52% 55% 58% 56% 66% 80% 93% 44% 83% 58% 33% 28% Local newsbrands in print or online reach 98% of Central Scotland A vast, nationwi de reach Did you know: Source: GB TGI Q3 2015
Key decision makers read local 61% of local readers are chief income earners of local readers believe adverts in their local paper help them make decisions local readers believe advertising helps them choose what to buy 4 million 44% of all main shoppers read a local newspaper Did you know: 65% Source: GB TGI Q £
A loyal audience would not change the local newspaper they read rely on local newspapers to keep them informed Read their newspaper to find what’s happening locally 20 m 9m9m 55 % Source: GB TGI Q who read a newspaper most days read a local 61 % 30% of local readers (6.7m) are heavy newspaper readers (7.1+ hours per week) Did you know:
Advertising locally local readers pay most attention to adverts 64% Source: GB TGI Q believe advertising fits best within a newspaper medium of local newspaper readers notice ads in newspapers/magazin es 6.2 million 4. 7 million
Advertising locally Look for a bargain in local first “Local newspaper ads often alert me to new products and services” Source: GB TGI Q million 50% of local readers respond to promotions Did you know:
An action medium Of those local readers who see a promotion: 53% request more information on products or services 47% follow up with research on the internet 48% use coupons/vouchers 48% speak to others about products/services Source: GB TGI Q3 2015
Newsbrands online regularly visit newsbrands websites …. have downloaded a local newspaper app for their device 12 m million Source: GB TGI Q Local media is 20% more likely to drive readers online through press articles Did you know:
Local readers are deal hunters look for food & drink promotions look for toiletries look for household products look for multi-buy offers (food + drink) Source: GB TGI Q3 2015
Readers are more than twice as likely to act on ads in local media than ads on TV and social media. Local media is nearly four times more trusted to provide relevant information about the local area than commercial TV and radio. Local media – in print and online – is the most effective combination for driving consumer action. Source: Local Media Works, Consumer Catalyst (2014) Local newsbrands – A catalyst for consumers
Local Media Works, 2nd Floor, 292 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 1AE T: +44 (0) W: Contact Justin Fenton or Ian Sweeney for more information