Syllabus and Classroom Rules
1. Follow directions the first time they are given. 2. Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn every day. 3. Be responsible for your own learning. 4. Be courteous and respectful toward the teacher, other students, and the classroom.
Classroom Expectations : All student handbook policies apply to each student in the class. Know the handbook.
Come into my room quietly and ready to work. If you want to socialize, stay in the hall. Every day, a daily journal assignment will be on the board or the overhead for you to complete during the first 5 minutes of class.
Be on time. Be in your seat when the bell rings.
Everyone in the room is a valuable part of this community. Don’t be snotty. Don’t judge. Everyone has an opinion, but know when and how to voice it appropriately and politely. If you don’t know how to do this, keep your mouth shut.
Smile. Laugh. Have a positive attitude. Everything is going to be all right.
Pick up after yourself. I will ask you to pick up trash. I will ask you to sweep up mud if you track it in. No projectiles are permitted.
Talk to me if you have an issue that is affecting your work in this class. Lost? Confused? Don’t understand a concept? Ask for help, ask again until you get what you need. This is your education!
Daily Required Materials: Binder or folder to keep all handouts. Journal –stays in the room, in the file cabinet drawer marked for your class. (English 3, see me) Paper and writing utensils—pencil for rough drafts, blue or black ink for final draft. Flash drive to save your computer lab work
Grading Structure: Your grade will be an average of all scores given in the following categories: Daily journal entries Reading log entries Workplace Skills and Attitudes (participation) Written Assignments Quizzes and Tests Graded class discussions (Socratic Seminars)
Films: “The Crucible” (PG 13), “Twelve Years a Slave” (R ) “Freedom Writers” (PG13) “Dead Poets Society” (PG13) “The Great Gatsby” (PG 13) “Good Morning, Vietnam” (R) If you are under 17, your parents must sign a waiver so you can watch an R rated film. If you or your parents do not want to view any of the films, see me BEFOREHAND and you will be able to opt out/given alternative assignments.
A few DON’TS: Please do not ask me the following questions: 1.In the hallway before class: “Can I go to the bathroom?” Just tell me, “I have to go.” Give me your cell phone. Get it done. Get to class. If you take too long, I will count you as tardy or skipping class.
#2. “I forgot my textbook /homework/pencil/class material, can I go to my locker and get it?” No. Visit your locker before this class and get your stuff. You may also buy a pencil from me. 15 cents each. #3. “I lost my homework / worksheet/class work. Can I get another copy of the handout(s)?” No. However, you are welcome to write out the assignment on your own paper. If I receive it on time, you will still receive full credit.
4. “Can I go to the office to make a call, ask the secretary something, etc?” No. Do it between classes. The office will give you a pass to my class.
5. During class: “Can I go to the bathroom?” No. If it is an emergency, then yes. Leave your cell phone on my desk. If you have an “emergency” every day, I will let Mr. Windy, your parents and the nurse know so we can implement a detailed bathroom plan for you.
6. “What are we doing today?” I will give you daily class objectives each time we meet for class. Or nah.
7. “I was gone. What did we do yesterday?” ALWAYS check the makeup work folder for your assignment(s), located in the front of the classroom. During journal time at the beginning of class, you may quietly ask a neighbor for the journal question/prompts you missed, if they are not in the folder. If you look in the make-up work folder, and there is nothing with your name on it, ONLY then can you ask me what we did while you were away.
I believe we will have a flippin’ sweet year in this class. I will consistently strive to give you my best effort as a teacher. ----Mrs. Harris