Find the verses at 1 Chronicles 12:37&38.
“There were 120,000 men from the east side of the Jordan River. They were from the people of Reuben, Gad and the eastern half-tribe of Manasseh. They had every kind of weapon. All these fighting men were ready to go to war. They came to Hebron fully agreed to make David king of all Israel. All the other Israelites also agreed to make David king.” 1 Chronicles 12:37&38 (ICB)
The men were ready to fight. The men were ready to fight. You should be ready to fight for Jesus. You should be ready to fight for Jesus.
Find the verses at Ephesians 6:15 and 1 Peter 3:15.
“And on your feet wear the Good News of peace to help you stand strong.” Ephesians 6:15 (ICB) “Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you to explain about the hope you have.” 1 Peter 3:15b (ICB)
You should be ready to share the gospel message all the time. If you see someone who looks like he/she needs to hear the gospel message, go share. You should be ready to share the gospel message all the time. If you see someone who looks like he/she needs to hear the gospel message, go share.
This is a story I want to share about something that happened when I did summer gymnastics. This is a story I want to share about something that happened when I did summer gymnastics. Emma and I were doing a summer gymnastics camp. One time Emma and I were talking about God. A boy in the class said, “There is no such thing as God.” It was horrible. Emma and I kept on saying, “Yes, there is. He is right in front of you.” The boy said something like, “Then why can’t I see Him?” Emma and I said, “He is invisible.” Then the instructor said, “Just let him believe what he wants to believe.” Emma and I were in shock. How could someone say something like that?
It is horrible when people say God isn’t real, when obviously God created us. No, it was not the BIG BOOM. It is God. If only everyone were a Christian. It is sad for God to have to hear people say He is not real. I know I wouldn’t like it if people thought I wasn’t real, especially if I gave them all kinds of reasons to believe I am real. In the same way, God has given us enough reasons through just His creation for us to have no excuse not to believe. I feel bad for God. It is horrible when people say God isn’t real, when obviously God created us. No, it was not the BIG BOOM. It is God. If only everyone were a Christian. It is sad for God to have to hear people say He is not real. I know I wouldn’t like it if people thought I wasn’t real, especially if I gave them all kinds of reasons to believe I am real. In the same way, God has given us enough reasons through just His creation for us to have no excuse not to believe. I feel bad for God.
“…everything that may be known about God has been made clear. Yes, God has clearly shown them everything that may be known about Him. There are things about God that people cannot see – His eternal POWER and all the things that make him God. But since the beginning of the world those things have been easy to understand. They are made clear by what God has made. So people have no excuse for the bad things they do. They knew God.” Romans 1:19-21 (ICB)
Credits: People who helped… Mommy! Thank you, Mommy, for helping me. Things I used: Bible, Mommy’s computer. THANK YOU! Note: I hope you enjoyed the show!