Ephesians 4:17-5:17 Parallel with Colossians 3:5-15 Put off the old man’s deeds Put on the new man’s deeds Walk not as the Gentiles 4:17-32 Walk in love 5:1-7 Walk in light 5:8-14 Walk in wisdom 5:15-17
Walk not as the Gentiles 4:17-32 Walk in darkness v.18 ignorance Walk in lewdness & lust v.19 enslaved Have not learned Christ v.20 The truth is in Christ! v.21; John 1:1-3,14; 14:6 Do you hear Him? v.21; John 10:27-30 Do you learn from Him? v.21; 2 Cor. 3:18 Put off old conduct v.22 deceived & corrupt Renew the spirit of your mind v.23; Fp 4:8 Put on new man (God’s creation) in rightness with God & holiness in purpose v.24
No longer that but this 4:25-32 Lying Don’t sin Steal Corrupt speech Bitterness Wrath, anger, Clamor, evil speaking Speak truth Be angry (limited) Work, give edifying speech Kindness Tenderness Forgiveness
Walk in Love 5:1-7 Imitate GOD (we are His children) 1 Jn 4:7-8 Just as Christ loved you v.2; Jn 13:34-35 Sacrificed for you (and for God) No fornication, uncleanness, covetousness v.3 Not even to be rumored among you Not right for holy people Not even filthy language v.4 Will not be in heaven v.5 God hates these things! v.6 Don’t take part v.7 includes approval 2 Jn 9-11
Walk in Light 5:8-14 We are light v.8 (we were darkness) goodness, righteousness, truth Diligently seeking God’s will v.10 No fellowship with darkness v.11 Expose sinfulness of evil works v.11; Jn 3:18-21 Necessary though it is embarrassing v.12 Purpose of light—expose things in darkness v.13 Light necessary for life v.14. Gen. 1
Walk in Wisdom 5:15-17 Be careful how we walk (live) v.15 Fools don’t think before talking, acting v.8, Proverbs 17:18, 29:11 Make the most of your time v.16 Never know when it will end v.16; Eccl. 9:10-11 Don’t be foolish Prov. 12:15 Seek (& understand—Eph. 3:3-4) God’s will Psalm 37:4-5; 1 John 5:14-15 God’s will for you is not to perish but repent 2 Peter 3:9 be baptized Ax 2:38 follow Jesus