Mood Disorders 468-475
Mood Disorders Psychological Disorders characterized by emotional extremes. Major Depressive Disorder Seasonal Affective Disorder Dysthymia Bipolar Disorder
Depression The common cold of psychological disorders. 1 /4 women and 1/8 men suffer from at some point in their life. A result of stress (exhaustion) in some
Major Depressive Disorder A person, for no apparent reason, experiences two or more weeks of depressive moods. Feelings of worthlessness Loss of interest Cannot function – get out of bed, do tasks at home, school, or work Sometimes lack of personal hygiene
Dysthymia Low grade, constant depression Persistent low energy Functions adequately
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Bipolar Disorder Person alternates between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the overexcited state of mania.
Mania A mood disorder marked by a hyperactive, wildly optimistic state Mania patient
Famous People with Bipolar
Bipolar Brain
Biological Explanations for Mood Disorders Biological – twin studies show 70% heritability. Bipolar disorder is seen in 1% of any population Increasing serotonin and norepinephrine lift mood
Psychoanalytic Explanations for Mood disorders Anger directed inward (repressed) Overactive Superego
Behavioral and Cognitive Explanations Moodiness = attention from others. Reinforces behaviors Pessimistic attributions Learned Helplessness
Cognitive Triad of Depression