Disorders: Causes:Symptoms: Treatments : Misc:
Category A for 100 Causes severe thoughts of selflessness and hopelessness
Answer to Category A for 100 Depression
Category A for 200 Manic Episodes
Answer to Category A for 200 What is Bipolar I
Category A for 300 The “Diet Coke” of Bipolar
Answer to Category A for 300 Bipolar II
Category A for 400 This crazy lady Drown her 4 kids. Her name is ____ and What disorder did she have?
Answer to Category A for 400 Consumers
Category A for 500 The study of a single factor of an economy
Answer to Category A for 500 Andrea Yates Post Partum Depression
Category B for 100 Negative views on self and negative views outside and Negative views on the Future
Answer to Category B for 100 Cognitive Theory of Depression
Category B for 200 Biological Theory
Answer to Category B for 200 Chemical Imbalances in the brain.
Category B for 300 Who thinks that Depression comes from unconscious sexual urges?
Answer to Category B for 300 Sigmund Freud
Category B for 400 What low amount of this stuff can cause Depression and other Mental Disorders
Answer to Category B for 400 Neurotransmitters
Category B for 500 What Theory uses Reduced Reinforcement?
Answer to Category B for 500 Behavioral
Category C for 100 What causes Depression
Answer to Category C for 100 Extreme Sadness and Overwhelming Guilt
Category C for 200 What causes Post Partum Depression
Answer to Category C for 200 Hormonal Changes after child birth.
Category C for 300 What are the symptoms of a manic episode?
Answer to Category C for 300 Hyperactivity lots of chitter chatter. Not necessarily happy.
Category C for 400 What are the symptoms of Dysthemic depression?
Answer to Category C for 400 Depressed mood that is Chronic and Relatively continual in nature.
Category C for 500 What are the Symptoms of Unipolar Disorder?
Answer to Category C for 500 Same as Depression
Category D for 100 What is the most commonly used Treatment of Mood Disorders
Answer to Category D for 100 Cognitive-Behavioral-Therapy
Category D for 200 What Med do the doctors prescribe when you are diagnosed with Depression?
Answer to Category D for 200 Prozac
Category D for 300 What Treatment is used for Bipolar I
Answer to Category D for 300 Lithium
Category D for 400 What did treatment did Conrad have when he was in the Mental Hospital?
Answer to Category D for 400 Electro Shock Therapy
Category D for 500 SSRI
Answer to Category D for 500 Seratonen
Category E for 100 What age does Bipolar start on average
Answer to Category E for 100 Early Twentys
Category E for 200 What age does Unipolar usually start?
Answer to Category E for 200 Late Twenties
Category E for 300 Affective?
Answer to Category E for 300 Feelings
Category E for 400 Depression
Answer to Category E for 400 What is the most common complaint in mental health care.
Category E for 500 What is a “Normal” reason to be depressed?
Answer to Category E for 500 The process of grieving.