RF Generator Power 1550W Argon Gas Flow Rates Plasma15 L / Min Carrier0.8 L / Min Makeup0.35 L / Min Collision Gas (He) 4 mL / Min Spray Chamber Temp.2 °C Omega Lens11.0 V Octopole bias-18 V Energy Discrimination4.0 V Replicates3 NebulizerMicromist Concentric Isotopes monitored 55 Mn, 56 Fe, 59 Co, 63 Cu, 66 Zn Supple 1.
Supple 2.
Supple Necropsy (weeks)
Control 6 mg/kg Kidney Liver Control 6 mg/kg Supple 4.
Supple 5. SampleSolutionDiameter (nm)Surface charge (mV) Al-D In Water112.2 ± ± 0.73 In GA137.7 ± ± 0.43 Al-R In Water107.5 ± ± 7.25 In GA92.9 ± ± 1.35
(A) (B) Supple 6. Drinking water (% of control, ml/mice b.w.) Diet (% of control, g/mice b.w.)
** * Supple 7.
Data for review only : Experimental design for consumption of diet and drinking water (n =3) Cage No.1Cage No.2Cage No.3 Diet and drinking water
Data for review only : Experimental design using the blood
100 μl Lysis 100 μl ICP/MS analysis (n=3) 100 μl Data for review only : Experimental design for ICP/MS