ALERT TM ALERT , AWARE & BEACH Course Networking Day Tuesday 15 th October 2013
ALERT TM Welcome & Introduction Nicky Sayer
ALERT TM Introducing the Team Sue Clarke Sue Garland Lynn Hansell Nicky Sayer Mandy Smale
ALERT TM Housekeeping Fire Procedure Toilets Coffee & Lunch break location Mobile phone reminder
ALERT TM Morning Programme
ALERT TM Afternoon Programme
ALERT TM Any Questions
ALERT TM ALERT TM (Community) Course Official launch of the ALERT TM (Community) Course Nicky Sayer & Sof Salim
ALERT TM Introducing the ALERT TM (Community) Course Introducing the ALERT TM (Community) Course ALERT TMIn 2012 ALERT TM HQ was contacted by Sof Salim, Practice Education Facilitator at North Somerset Community Partnership (NSCP) Adaptation began for a community based version of the ALERT TM CourseAdaptation began for a community based version of the ALERT TM Course TALERT TM (Community) Course ran inThe first ALERT TM (Community) Course ran in Feb 2013
ALERT TM ALERT TM (Community) Course The need for ALERT TM (Community) Course NPSA 2007 DOH – Transforming Community Services 2009 DOH – Mandate to Health Education England 2013 – 2015 Francis Report 2013 Surviving Sepsis 2012 and Sepsis Trust UK
ALERT TM Key issues setting up ALERT TM (Community) Course Scenarios Faculty Resources Culture
ALERT TM Candidate Evaluations Feedback throughout the day Evaluation forms 6 month post course evaluation via candidate and manager
ALERT TM ALERT TM (Community) Course Impact in Practice of ALERT TM (Community) Course Confidence Safe quality care provision
ALERT TM Future ALERT TM (Community) Course Centre scenarios are available for existing and new centresALERT TM (Community) Course Centre scenarios are available for existing and new centres Uses Version 3 ALERT TM manual & Course CD with community cased scenariosUses Version 3 ALERT TM manual & Course CD with community cased scenarios
ALERT TM Any Questions
ALERT TM ALERT TM (Obstetric) Course Update on the ALERT TM (Obstetric) Course Nicky Sayer
ALERT TM ALERT TM (Obstetric) Course Update on ALERT TM (Obstetric) Course ALERT TM launch in early 2012 work beganFollowing the Version 3 ALERT TM manual launch in early 2012 work began Decision made to have a separate manual, course programme and teaching materialsDecision made to have a separate manual, course programme and teaching materials There is a core group of experts involvedThere is a core group of experts involved
ALERT TM ALERT TM (Obstetric) Manual Version 1 Core text is the current ALERT v3 manual It has been adapted for obstetric patients First proof is complete and being proof read Additional chapter Common Obstetric Emergencies
ALERT TM ALERT TM (Obstetric) Manual Version 1 Obstetric symbol used throughout to highlight key points
ALERT TM ALERT TM (Obstetric) Course Materials Scenario development has begun Pilot course is being planned for early 2014 in Portsmouth Other 2-3 centres will then be invited to be pilot sites
ALERT TM Any Questions/Comments?
ALERT TM Summary ALERT TM (Community) based scenarios are available for existing and new centresALERT TM (Community) based scenarios are available for existing and new centres Development of the ALERT TM (Obstetric) Course is progressing wellDevelopment of the ALERT TM (Obstetric) Course is progressing well Pease contact ALERT HQ if you are interested in these two new courses