Common projects IceCube – Antares ? Simulation Physics Analysis DAQ synchronization J. Brunner
Simulation Cosmic ray spectrum –Large theoretical error on CR composition and spectrum in the knee region –Large variety of hadronic shower models to derive muon fluxes –Possible common effort on data/MC comparisons and eventually recommendation for best model Photon propagation –Light diffusion in ice and water critical point in simulation chain –CPU time consuming, approximate –Possible common effort to improve corresponding simulation techniques
Physics Analysis Use completed analyses of both collaborations after unblinding has been agreed Combine results if possible and useful Example: point source search –Complementary in sky coverage –2007 / IC22 analysis finished –Need individual neutrino list –PSF per event (or zenith/azimuth dependent) –Efficiency functions –Possible result: 4 sky map –Cluster search in overlap region (25% at any given moment, 70% of IceCube sky seen by Antares at some moment)
Physics Analysis Example GRB stacking analysis –Time and direction constraint –Single event typically significant –Combine Antares/Icecube GRB lists might increases overall sensitivity
DAQ synchronization Multi-messenger Antares –GRB alerts from Swift & Fermi Storage of unfiltered data, higher efficiency at low E –Optical follow up with Tarot –Offline analysis with Auger and Virgo Icecube –SuperNovae alert network –Optical follow up with Rotse –Gamma ray follow up with Magic –Offline analysis GRB, Ligo
Multi-messenger Try to combine both network Most direct –Send alerts from Icecube to Antares –Same selection as for optical follow up ? –Only for upward going in both devices with reduced cuts ? –Include high energy event sample ? –Blindness concern Antares does not need directional information for alert handling Icecube might send “fake” alerts