Storm Monitoring Operations Santa Barbara County Flood Control District Hydrology Division
Overview of Operations Confer with meteorologists to assess timing and severity of predicted storms. Monitor “real time” data from remote weather stations and stream gages during storm event. Run SYR model to predict potential timing, magnitude and location of flooding. Coordinate with emergency services, other County agencies and the media.
The ALERT System Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time Field Stations Radio Repeaters Base Station Receiver/Decoder Flood Warning Software
Field Stations Weather StationStream Gaging Station
Santa Maria Santa Barbara Base Station Plowshare Pk Figueroa Mtn La Cumbre Pk Sudden Pk Repeater To Figueroa To PlowshareTo LaCumbre To Sudden Peak Repeater Frequencies Plowshare Rx Tx169.5 Figueroa Rx Tx Sudden Rx Tx La Cumbre x 170.3Tx Base Station Rx To Twitchell Twitchell Twitchell Rx Tx To Base Station ALERT Network
Base Station Software
Santa Ynez River Flood Control Model
Agency Coordination National Weather Service County OES, Roads, others United States Bureau of Reclamation United States Geologic Survey Flood Control field staff Vandenberg Air Force Base Cloud Seeding Administrators