English II “Called Out”
Textbook p. 57 ISN p. 18 At the top of the page, write the definitions for the 5 vocabulary words from the story, “Called Out”. Then, answer questions 1-5 by rewriting the sentence starter, and finishing the sentence.
Please collect a textbook from the Resources shelf and open to p. 50. Open your IN to p. 19 Today, we will be reading “Called Out” and discussing the text. Be ready to take notes on Cornell paper for any clarifications you may need.
Answer the following questions on IN p. 19 BEFORE you read the text. 1. Based on the photos on pgs. 51 and 53, what do you think the text will be about? 2. Look at the footnotes in the passage– what 3 allusions are mentioned? 3. What might you learn from this story?
Textbook p. 56 ISN p. 20 Answer questions 1-3, 5, and 6 in complete sentences, using evidence from the text to prove your answer.
Pick a name from the list for a penpal. Use the template on the left to set up and write a letter to your penpal. You must include: Your name Grade level You should also include information about yourself such as: Hobbies Favorite class Your sports/activities/clubs What is it like where you live? What music do you like? Dear (Student) Date (Month Day, Year) Your Signature Sincerely,
Answer the following questions on IN p. 21 AFTER you read the text. 1. Why is the essay called, “Called Out”? 2. What did you learn from this story? 3. Other than the vocabulary, what other words from the passage might you need information about? (Name at least 2 and define them) If you have extra time, pull out your flashcards and study for tomorrow’s test!
Turn in your notebook and homework Collect a manilla folder and a sheet of loose leaf paper. Your desk area should be clear of everything except your testing materials. Title your page as “Called Out” Summative and fill out the rest of the header. DO NOT WRITE ON MY COPY OF THE TEST! You have the entire class period to complete the exam. Turn in your answer sheet and my blue copy of the test to the back table. If you have extra time, work silently on missing assignments. Good Luck!