The Deciduous Forest By:Zebreyiah,Cj,Juan
The deciduous forest is located in the eastern half of north America. We live in a deciduous forest. Deciduous forests tend to be in the middle part of Earth
Distinguishing Characteristics North Carolina is in this biome. In a deciduous forest, leaves change color in autumn and fall off the trees in the winter. There are four seasons.
Plant Life Very fertile soil Many of the forests have been cleared for farming because of the good soil. Many different kinds of trees and plants can be found in the deciduous forest. Most trees lose their leaves in the winter.
Animal Life Many types of animals live in the deciduous forest. Many of the animals hibernate in the winter and live off the land in the other seasons. The animals use the trees for food, shelter, and water. Many animals are camouflaged to blend in with their surroundings. Some examples are the coyote, deer, chipmunk, and squirrel