Student Records Training Team
What is Course Guide? The Course Guide/CG is a web tool used by students to provide them with course details such as instructional method, workload and exams. October 2007 and forward CG information will be collected by direct entry to U of MN custom PS CG pages. In addition to enhanced information collection for CG a new media upload option exists. This information will upload to the Web overnight from PS. The two modes of capturing CG information will be through the use of instructor pages through self service on the Web and staff pages within PeopleSoft.
Benefits for students Provides timely information on description, format, work load, evaluation methods and exams for a course Ability to view detailed course description--plus objects such as instructor photos, syllabi, biographies, video clips- -before registration Students and their advisers can access course information from one centralized location, rather than from multiple departmental Web sites With more information available to them, students can: Make better course choices Expand their “universe” of course choices
Student View of Course Guide Icons are used to select and view the media attachments.
Benefits for instructors and staff Allows instructors to promote courses and encourage enrollment Instructors and/or staff can upload documents, and objects such as instructor photos, syllabi, biographies, video clips, to give students a more complete picture of the class Course Guide is a centrally supported application Avoids duplication of efforts and frees up time for other efforts NEW! Management reporting available shortly after go-live will track departmental participation
Who enters what information? Instructors may enter their own course guide information via Web self service The scheduling coordinator may also enter Course Guide information directly into PeopleSoft.
Training requirements An optional Web tutorial will be made available for instructors Course Guide documentation will be available on the Web at: under Manuals link
Access requirements Instructors will need to be set up as the “Instructor of Record” by the scheduling coordinator to gain access to their classes
When will this happen? Now! With demos such as this Go-Live October 5, 2007
Training, documentation and support Provided by the Student Records Training Team NEW! address: Phone Visit the Student Records Training Web page for training documentation and resources.
Instructor access
What instructors will see Links only available for instructors. The other instructor pages are almost identical to staff pages Spell Check available with this icon Total to = 100%
What instructors will see Combined sections link will appear here if course is a combined section
What instructors will see 3000 character limit = approx. 500 words The Course Catalog Description is included as guide for the instructor. The instructor’s Course Guide Description should remain consistent with the Course Catalog Description.
What instructors will see
What instructors will see Combined Sections