L ONDON Tamara Aldana Cecilia Laura Plaza del Álamo 1ºA Nº2 1ºA Nº22
ÍNDEX Big ben London eye Picadilly circus Buckingham place Madame Tussauds London
B IG B EN The Big Ben is the most representative tower of London. It is the image of London, its main icon. At night it is is very beautiful. Unfortunately you cannot visit.
L ONDON E YE The London Eye wheel is the 3 rd tallest ferry wheel in the world.. It is 135 metres tall. It is in front of Big Ben.
P ICADILLY C IRCUS -Picadilly Circus is one of the most famous of London. -It is in the center of London.
B UCKINGHAM PALACE -The palace is used for ceremonies or state visits and as a residence by Elizabeth II _The Office is the real, symbol of the British Monarchy
M ADAME T USSAUDS L ONDON It is one of the best wax museum in the world. It is full of movie, television, music and sport stars. Its creator is Marie Tussauds.