Edita Trečiokienė Grundtvig 3: Grants to Participate in Adult Education Training Activities The Quality of Training Activities applied for and possible quality indicators
Edita Trečiokienė GRUNDTVIG 3 The quality of training activities applied for and possible quality indicators.... Allow me to distinguish the following aspects: -Grundtvig 3 activities’ quality assurance actors; -Grundtvig 3 documents developed by European Commission ; -Possible quality indicators -
Edita Trečiokienė Grundtvig 3 activities’ quality assurance actors: Training Institutions for Adult Educators offers (course organisers ) Adult Educators - Course Participants (course users) The National Agency (NA), the European Commission (EC) (mediators)
Edita Trečiokienė Responsibility? Who is actually responsible for the provision of high quality Grundtvig 3 courses? Who actually takes the responsibility? What is the role played by the NA and EC? Does the NA conduct the expertise of the courses? Does the EC analyse the courses included into the Catalogue?
Edita Trečiokienė Grundtvig 3 Documents developed by European Commision : Grundtvig 3 Grants to Attend Training Activities Application Form; Grundtvig 3 - Training for Adult Educators 2001/2002 Training Offers Course Description Offers; Grundtvig 3 Training Activity Final Evaluation Report and Information from Catalogue.
Edita Trečiokienė Grundtvig 3 - Training for Adult Educators 2001/2002 Training Offers Course Description Offers This document, to my mind, should include the following possible quality indicators: Demand for the courses, their relevance; Staff: professional qualification, its development; Conditions under which the course program was developed (as a EC and other projects result, long term experience, etc.) Ways to check the training objectives were attained (“Certification award” a point is included, although it provides little information)
Edita Trečiokienė Information from Catalogue –The analysis of the content of courses indicates that : over 50 % of courses supplied are targeted at the language specialists; The Catalogue should include more information: relevance of the courses, their need; Staff: professional qualification; Condition for development of course programme; the ways to check the implementation of the objectives (the same proposals as formulated within the Grundtvig 3...Training Offers..)
Edita Trečiokienė Grundtvig 3 Training Activity Final Evaluation Grundtvig 3 Training Activity Final Evaluation This document could provide substantial information on the quality of the courses provided. What is the feedback as foreseen concerning this particular information? (Guided by this document, the NA will develop reports for the EC) What’s next? Who will inform the course developers about the results? Has the EC foreseen the procedures already?
Edita Trečiokienė Possible quality indicators. External quality assurance process consists of the parts: A self-evaluation (internal evaluation0 report by an institution An on-site visit to the evaluated institution A written report by external reviewers
Edita Trečiokienė The prevailing external quality assurance fields are the following: Staff: professional qualification, its development Curricula: structure, content, design of curriculum Programme aims Quality assurance, management Facilities, equipment and other resources Teaching, training and learning methods, forms Student progression and achievements External relationships, collaboration
Edita Trečiokienė Fields and quality perspectives quality assuranse Quality assurance fields at subject level: learning outcomes Programme design Assessment of outcomes Learners achievement Teaching and learning Learners progression Learning resources
Edita Trečiokienė Evaluation of the teaching: Extent to which general objectives and detailed teaching goals are achieved Self-evaluation by teachers Course analysis by the learners and the study course programme management Consequences, measures and their implementation Results of current improvement processes Evaluation of results
Edita Trečiokienė Analysis of course: Number of applicants Measures in case of unsatisfactory Measures to ensure the innovation Learning resources
Edita Trečiokienė Criteria for good Evaluation: The evaluation findings are reliable, informative, up- to-date and conducive to development The evaluation is appropriate for situation and the cost is reasonable The evaluation procedures guarantee the rights of all the parties concerned The evaluation is meticulously conducted to ensure correct, enduring and understandable information The evaluation findings are published to make them accessible to all the interested parties
Edita Trečiokienė External quality assurance A special mechanism, system should be developed; -who should evaluate, audit the corresponding institutions and their programmes? -should a list of the “Reliable European Institutions”? -”Authorised European Institutions”? Or -”Authorised European External Experts/ Experts Groups”?