The Deciduous Forest By: Russell Smith Michael Perry Weston Jones Team B
Location Eastern United states Parts of Canada Parts of Europe Russia China Japan South of Taiga
Climate Warm Rainy spring Hot humid summer Cold crisp autumn Cold snowy winter Gentle rain 28 Degrees Celsius summer
Plants Trees, walnut, oak, maple, beech Bushes Shrubs Ferns Flowers Mosses
Plants Adaptions Leaves change color in season and die as decay form rich soil Leaves fall in autumn to save energy Deciduous Forest got name broad leaved trees Broad leaves cause shaded ground Pink lady slippers Fungus pass food nutrients into seed Produces own nutrients
Plants Trees formed in layers Shrubs – minimum light Mosses and ferns grow deep Shag bark hickory's bark hangs Must adapt to seasonal changes
Common Animals Owls, Mice, Chipmunks, snakes, rabbits,deer, bear Food chain
Animal Adaptations Many of the animals have adaptations Adaptations set animals apart Bears Hibernate and shed fur Chipmunk store food in summer hibernate in winter less active Animals hide with camouflage hide from predators Birds Migrate
Environmental Issues Lose trees Fuels make acid rain polluting the forest Forest fires Humans hunt animals