European workshop Defining electronic standards and procedures for the exchange of student curriculum data between Higher Education Institutions Rome, 9th November 2007 Course Description Metadata (CDM) in Norway and France
Page 2 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 CDM | History CDM specification was developed in 2001 by USIT's XML group at the University of Oslo for the Norwegian eStandard project, Norway Opening Universities (OUN) OUN developed and deployed locally a set of metadata and an XML schema “CDM” which has been adopted by all Norwegian universities and is now the basis of Norway’s national educational portal CDM was presented in 2005 to the CEN/ISS as a “candidate standard” for course description The French Ministry of Education developed a French application profile of CDM being progressively deployed by French universities
Page 3 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 CDM | Concept “CDM addresses the description of educational course units or other forms of educational offerings at all levels. It specifies the structure and semantics of the key concepts used in course descriptions. The metadata are specified as an XML Schema and guidelines with examples are given to facilitate the generation of course descriptions as XML documents. CDM not only lists and describes the study programmes and their course units and course content, it also supplies all the information students need to choose to study at a certain institution, in a specific programme, or to take certain courses.”
Page 4 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 CDM | Advantages -can be used to describe all level of granularity of the university educational offer (curriculum, diploma, course, course unit..) as well as related pedagogical objectives, registration procedure, organisation and contact details... -supports multiple organisational models, and as wide a range as possible of both present and future course & curricula models -supports ECTS & EDS requirements -supports local and national specificities through specific “implementation profiles” -is fully compatible with other related specifications such as LOM for course content description -supports interoperability at system and data level -does not require a specific database management system or a specific information system
Page 5 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 CDM | Information contained -Information about the institution -Information about degrees, study programmes, course content -General information for students (student facilities, cost of living, registration, tuitions, calendars, regulations, practical information for exchange students..) -Information about all relevant contacts
Page 6 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 CDM | Example Example Organization Education program 1 Program description. Course 1 Course description.
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Page 8 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 CDM -fr |
Page 9 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 CDM-fr | Example at University of Lille 1
Page 10 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 CDM-fr | Example at University of Lille 1
Page 11 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 CDM-fr | Example at University of Lille 1
Page 12 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 CDM-fr | Example at University of Lille 1
Page 13 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 CDM-fr | Example at University of Lille 1
Page 14 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 PLOTEUS | PLOTEUS = Portal on Learning Opportunities throughout the European Space... aims to facilitate navigation among existing information resources on learning opportunities.... helps students, job seekers, workers, parents, guidance counsellors and teachers to find out information about studying in Europe... is a project under construction... is managed by DG Education and Culture from the European Commission The work of identifying and classifying the information resources is carried out by the National Resources Centres for Vocational Guidance (Euroguidance) - a European network funded by the Leonardo da Vinci programme and by national authorities. „ the Commission and the relevant national authorities are working together to define a common protocol that will allow the interconnection at European level of national and regional databases. This will provide citizens with unified, direct access to any such tools. „
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Page 16 / 13 European Workshop – Defining electronic standards for exchanging student data – Rome, 9th November 2007 PLOTEUS |