1 BBI 3201 - PJJ - JUNE 2010. I NSTRUCTOR 2 BBI 3201 - PJJ - JUNE 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

1 BBI PJJ - JUNE 2010


I NSTRUCTOR Ain Nadzimah Abdullah (Assoc Prof Dr) Department of English Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication Universiti Putra Malaysia Office (DL) BBI PJJ - JUNE 2010

Please take note that at times my duties require me to attend meetings and travel, so may not be possible to schedule consultation hours at the same time every week. If my consultation hours are changed, I will note the change and announce it to the class. Do note that I am also available by appointment – just me and I can arrange a time for us to meet. 4 BBI PJJ - JUNE 2010

C OURSE DESCRIPTION The course Introduction to General Linguistics aims to provide basic knowledge of the kinds of questions linguists have asked and are asking about language. Providing a broad understanding of human language is of concern, i.e. what language is, what it is used for, and how it works. The more immediate objectives of the course are to: lead you to examine your own linguistic beliefs and attitudes make you aware of both the diversity of language systems and their fundamental similarities give you a reasonable ‘taste’ of most of the subfields of linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, historical and sociolinguistics acquaint you with the basic concepts necessary to pursue further linguistic study. 5 BBI PJJ - JUNE 2010

C OURSE DESCRIPTION I would like to stress that this course is intended to arouse curiosity about language. The material in lectures and the text has practical applications to the world we live in. BBI 3201 provides an introduction to the scientific study of human languages, concentrating on the similarity and diversity of the languages of the world. The study of linguistics is divided into several areas. They are the study of sounds and their patterns (phonetics and phonology) words (morphology) sentences (syntax) how linguistic knowledge is applied in social situations in different cultures (sociolinguistics) how languages change over time (historical or diachronic linguistics how people learn languages (language acquisition). 6 BBI PJJ - JUNE 2010

TAKE NOTE !!! Please take note that the ability to read, comprehend, and discuss issues from the lectures and text are essential. The readings for this course are difficult as the terminology is often technical. As a result, note that the course requires ‘active’ reading. By that, I mean that you must be willing to read everything assigned and, if necessary, ask questions about what you cannot and do not understand. Often, you are also expected to engage in inferential thinking. Many students have found my tests difficult because they never learned to read and question on anything more than the literal level. To get a good grade, you must therefore read and write well – in other words, you will have to think. BBI PJJ - JUNE 20107

TEXT BOOK The TEXT for the course is Finnegan, E Language: Its Structure and Use (6th ed.). Wadsworth: Boston. 8 BBI PJJ - JUNE 2010

REMINDER You are responsible for ALL the required readings from the text. You are reminded to keep in regular contact with course instructor and not leave problems until they become very difficult to deal with read very carefully, assessment and evaluation procedures, and deadlines stated in the course outline BBI PJJ - JUNE 20109

Assessment and Evaluation Assessment and Evaluation You are responsible for the following. Assignment 40% Mid-semester test 30% Final examination 30% BBI PJJ - JUNE

ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT (value: 40% of course grade) (Due Week 9) You will be given a written assignment to work on. (Assignment questions handed out during first face-to-face meeting) BBI PJJ - JUNE

MID –SEMESTER TEST MID-SEMESTER TEST (value: 30% of course grade) (Time and date will be set by Pusat Program Luar) A multiple choice quiz comprising 40 questions will be given. You will be tested on the following: What is Language? Introduction to Linguistics Phonetics and Phonology morphology Syntax BBI PJJ - JUNE

FINAL EXAMINATION FINAL EXAMINATION (value: 30% of course grade) (Time and date will be set by Pusat Program Luar) A one and a quarter hour (1¼) final examination will be held during the period scheduled for examinations. The examination will consist of multiple choice questions. Topics tested during the final examination will cover those we have covered during the second half of the semester. Semantics Language, society and culture Language history and change Development of writing BBI PJJ - JUNE

Academic Honesty Just so that you and I will have no misunderstandings about the consequences of cheating, I would like to stress academic honesty. I will not hesitate to award a failing grade to anyone whom I catch cheating. I will also give failing marks to anyone who hands in work which is plagiarized. I am actually quite hesitant to put in this disclaimer because MOST students are honest and would not cheat. But there are always a few who try, for whatever reason and I shall deal severely with them. BBI PJJ - JUNE

C LASS MANAGEMENT Ground Rules I appreciate your cooperation in helping the lectures and discussions go smoothly. You can help contribute to the learning atmosphere of the course and gain more from the course in doing so. Therefore, we must set up some ground rules that need to be followed. It’s as easy as A B C! BBI PJJ - JUNE

C LASS MANAGEMENT A is for Attendance – please attend all lectures and tutorials to get the most out of the course. All students are expected to attend all class meetings. Unexcused absences, late assignments and lack of preparation for class will significantly affect your final grade. If you have a medical excuse, please bring this with you to class. Computers will not be allowed in class unless you need to use them for taking notes. See me if this is the case. All cell phones must be "off" during class. BBI PJJ - JUNE

C LASS MANAGEMENT B is for Be Punctual – to avoid unnecessary class disruption, try your best to arrive to the lectures and discussions on time (this may affect your overall mark) BBI PJJ - JUNE

C LASS MANAGEMENT C is for Can’t Copy – it is pointless to copy other people’s work and submit it as your own. It’s also dishonest and can have serious consequences. Please do all your assignments on your own – this is the only way you can improve your understanding of the subject and your own writing and analyzing skills. If you need help, ask me for advice and support. BBI PJJ - JUNE

Please take note!!! As a rule, there will be no make- up for exams. Any possible make-up will be given only under emergency situations, for which you have to petition along with an official document. Late submission of your written assignments will unexceptionably bring grade deduction. Computer failure is no excuse. BBI PJJ - JUNE

Let’s have a good semester ahead!!! Ain Nadzimah Abdullah 7 SEPTEMBER 2013 BBI PJJ - JUNE