Welcome to EWU… Academic Overview
Academic Eastern Advisors as role models have: Professional training University degrees World travel experience Bi-lingual skills Advising is a campus support system helping each student maximize their university experience and tuition dollars through shared responsibility and research based stewardship.
Your EWU Degree… English Mathematics Computer Literacy Humanities/ Social Natural Fine Arts Sciences Sciences Major/Minor Requirements * Foreign Language Pre University Basic Skills ENGL 100, MATH 103, MATH 104, CPLA 100 Senior Capstone International Studies Cultural/Gender Diversity 180 college credits Core Requirements General Requirements Minimum GPAs 2.0 GPA for EWU course work. 2.0 GPA for all GECR and Univ. Grad. Req. 2.0 GPA in major, minimum. 2.0 GPA in minor, minimum. 2.0 per course
Fall quarter schedule… English or Mathematics? Computer Literacy?
Computer Literacy Option B CPLA 100 & pre-univ. cr & 1 college cr Option C CPLA college credits All require minimum 80% on both Literacy I & II tests. Option A Literacy Testing (offered each quarter) clearance/no credit You may start with any option A, B or C.
Fall quarter schedule… Transfer credit or Transfer Degrees. Major/Minor classes for fall? Elective classes / special programs? Schedule=12-18 credits(3-4 classes)
Strategies for Success 100% class attendance. Be fully engaged. Meet with instructors. Meet with academic advisor. Balance…school, work, social. Plan 2 hours of study for every 1 hour in class. Take care of yourself.
Our best advice… Meet frequently with your advisor for: Academic planning Exploring majors and careers Time management solutions Tips on balancing school-life-work Academic success strategies Official information Hub of information and support Someone to bounce ideas off of… Start planning by using your Academic Planning Worksheet to look at your class options before meeting your advisor.
We thank you for your time! General Undergraduate Academic Advising 302 Sutton Hall