Chapel Flipping through the Bible
Sword Drill! Ephesians 6:17b “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”
Find “And you are heirs of the prophets and of the covenant God made with your fathers. He said to Abraham, ‘Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed.’” Acts 3:25
GE N ESIS The Big “N” ing
God Spoke to Abram Leave your home Leave your family I will show you where to go Abram went!
God Made Promises to Abram Great Nation Bless Name Great You will Bless Curse those who curse Bless those who bless You will bless all people on earth Canaan – No Kids Abram
Travels and Promises Egypt ◦ Abram lied Canaan ◦ N/S/E/W ◦ Dust Lot Captured ◦ All Glory to God (ToB) Stars ◦ Abram believed ◦ Righteous
Prophecy Descendants will live in a land not their own They will be enslaved and mistreated ◦ The nation will be punished They will come out with much You will die in peace The fourth generation will return to Canaan
Abram Doubted Thought God needed help Like Adam and Eve Another Promise – Father of Nations Abram Abraham Exalted FatherFather of Nations
God furthers his promises Kings will come from you God will always be their God They will be God’s people SaraiSarah Abraham laughed that Sarah would have kids. Abraham was 100, Sarah was 90. More Doubt
1 year! Abraham did as he was told 1 year! Sarah Laughed 1 year later…Sarah had a baby boy – Isaac – means he laughs
5 Abram - Abraham
Looking Good Lion Pawsitive Note