[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] Presidential Theme Kate Arnold, SLA President Leadership Summit, Memphis, TN, USA 16 January 2014
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 2 Where are we heading?
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 3 Why Beyond Borders? Ties in with conference theme Me as 1 st Non-North American President Time to re-invent SLA Globalisation 2014 anniversaries – time of reflection
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 4 The international association
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 5 Members by country groups January 2014
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 6 Wikimedia Commons image from Vmenkov from crossing-3610.jpg#metadata
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 7 Wikimedia Commons image from ChrisO from
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 8
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 9 CC image from Liesel at
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 10 Beyond Borders What can you do as individuals? What can you do as association members? What can you do for the profession?
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 11 Name change survey
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 12 Name change survey Over 2500 members completed survey Increased advocacy for & on behalf of profession How SLA might improve its future & benefits it offers
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 13 FT Survey Five attributes & 12 tasks: Communicate your value Understand the drivers Manage the process Keep up technical skills Decision-ready information
[edit on Slide Master, Name of Presentation] [DAY, DATE CITY] 14 Questions?