ASEM Symposium on Eurasia Transport & Logistics Network IRU’s Present Condition of Business and Forecast to Strengthen Eurasia Connectivity Seoul, 10 September 2015 Janusz Lacny, IRU President
2 This is the IRU
3 Evolution of IRU Membership 1948: 8 Founding Member Countries2015: present in over 100 countries
4 Working with International Organisations
5 What is Globalisation? Source: IRU Road Transport has become a vital production tool! The combined efforts of 29 companies in 18 countries What does it take to have a cup of coffee in a café?
6 IRU New Eurasian Land Transport Initiative (NELTI) From September 2008 Monitoring over 200,000 border crossings 57% of transport time lost at border crossings 38% of transport costs due to unofficial levies
7 Implementation of key UN facilitation instruments Allow the goods to cross the borders!
8 Securing and facilitating trade and international road transport Transports Internationaux Routiers Managed by the IRU since 1949
9 Contracting parties to the TIR Convention v
10 Countries see the Benefits! Pakistan acceded to TIR Convention
11 TIR operational countries v Contracting parties to the TIR Convention v TIR operational countries
12 TIR is also intermodal – make it operational in the Republic of Korea!
13 China speeds up TIR accession process Since early 2015, relevant Ministries have approved China’s TIR accession. We are expecting the final approval from China’s State Council.
14 Initiatives to connect Eurasia
15 The IRU is committed to assisting all countries to implement key trade facilitation instruments to drive economic growth and prosperity