Solar space-born instruments and detectors for X-ray observations of the solar corona. Szymon Gburek Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences,


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Presentation transcript:

Solar space-born instruments and detectors for X-ray observations of the solar corona. Szymon Gburek Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences, SRC-PAS Solar Physics Division Wrocław, Kopernika 11 MPGD 2013/RD51, 1 – 6 July, 2013, Zaragoza, Spain

OUTLINE About the group (SRC-PAS) Solar X-ray observation SRC-PAS solar experiments



WHY STUDY THE SUN IN X-RAYS Solar corona is well seen in short wavelength radiation – studies of coronal heating problem Studies of triggering, evolution and spectroscopy of solar flares - the most energetic events in the Solar System. Determining coronal plasma physical parameters T, EM Improving models of solar chemical composition – element abundances Tstin plasma ionisation equlibrium Space weather

Past and present solar soft X-ray imaging SRC-PAS early experiments Sounding rocket experiment XRT telescope on Hinode satellite

Overwiev of solar activity as seen by GOES satellites 1 – 8 Angstrom wavelength range

GOES 12, Mass 2T, Mid 1970's – present, Orbit geostationary 35,790 km 1m

Solar spectra – theory – generated with CHIANTI code Big flare Active Sun Quiet Sun

Quiet 15 September 2009 Active 14 November 2012 Large solar flare 13 May 2013 Solar limb


20 cm Solid state detectors Si – PIN diodes Energy range ~ keV Resolution ~0.4 keV SphinX: Solar Photometer in X-rays CORONAS – Photon satellite February – November 2009

SphinX detectors and optics X-RAYS D1 D2 D3 Seven orders of magnitude of solar X-ray flux covered AMPTEK Si PIN-DIODES XR-100CR X-RAYS Al entrance filters Be detector windows

SphinX/GOES-10 X-ray measurements in 2009 SphinX GOES-10

RF-15I photometer/imager, INTERBALL – Tail spacecraft August 1995 – December cm energy range keV proportional detectors Gas Ar+10%CO 2, 350 Torr 2 - 3, 3 - 5, keV scintillation detector NaI(Tl) crystal 10-15, 15-30, 30-60, , keV

RF-15I instrument, top view, no cover. Imager assembly photometer assembly

10 cm RF-15I detectors Calibration source

2 – 3 keV 3 – 5 keV 5 – 8 keV 10 – 15 keV 15 – 30 keV keV Time UT, 2 February 1997 Counts per second RF-15I example of data

Figure 3: Left: RF15-I soft X-ray Photometer-Imager flown on INTERBALL-Tail mission. Center: Imager assembly of RF15-I, Right image obtained from RF15- I (grid is 50×50 arcsec). Gas equal xenon - argon mixture with 5 % CO 2. Resolution ~ 10 m Å. The wavelength coverage, 3.3 Å Å, includes emission lines of Si, S, Cl, Ar, and K Four wavelength channels Printed in Zaragoza 02 July 2013 RESIK Bragg-cristal spectrometer CORONAS-F satellite August 2000 – May 2003

RESIK detectors 10 cm

RESIK example spectra

Further SRC-PAS satellite projects Development of the next solar X-ray Bragg – crystal spectrometer Development of a solar X-ray polarimeter

Thank you More in the posters and another talk tomorrow!!!