CLOCK IN This is the opening page on Hours Keeper. This person has put in a participant at 12 dollars an hour. If you click the page to the right appears on your phone. This allows you to clock in and clock out and keep track of your hours. So lets clock in!
CLOCK OUT Once you press clock in, your phone will look like picture to the left. If you know the amount of hours you will work that day, you can go ahead and click clock out and select the hour you will clock out, which is pictured to the right.
SENDING YOUR TIME Now that you are at the home page, click pay period on the menu at the bottom of your phone. Then click the client you wish to send information about. Here are some entries that were entered for the participant. Now that you are done working it is time to your hours worked to the Director, click the “Clients” button with the back arrow on it.
SENDING YOUR TIME Click the three horizontal dots at the top right hand of your screen, these will let you choose what you would like to do. Now you have the choice to add an invoice or export entries. Choose export entries To the right are the entries you are going to send that fall in the pay period time frame
SENDING YOUR TIME Choose the pay period time frame you would like to send. Then click export. It will appear in an like the one displayed to the right. Just enter the Director’s and click send!
FINAL WORDS In order for this system to work, time must be done punctually because the app will not let you go back in time if you forgot. Pathways will be creating their own app in the next year so that this will not be a problem Please submit a review of what you like and don’t like about the app; you can do this by ing us at When you first open the app, it will instruct you to add a client, follow instructions to get started! We strive to improve the overall quality of our business for our employees and participants!