Social Change and the Family 1 © PDST Home Economics
The Impact of Social and Economic Change on Family Life, to Include: 2
1. The Change in Settlement Patterns from Rural to Urban More people living in towns and cities than in the Past. Reasons why this is so? 3
2. Reduced Working Hours and Increase in Leisure Time Shorter working hours/shifts = more leisure time (time not working for money)? Trade unions Legislation Job-sharing, part-time work (women?) Impact on Family Life Parents more quality time to spend with children. More leisure pursuits – make a list. Emphasis on fitness and health. Mental health 4
3. Improvement in Provision of Education More access to education for all pre-school, second level, third level and second chance education. Free education? School transport systems Grants 5
4. Improvements in Social Welfare State provides pensions, allowances and benefits. Take some stress from families who are retired, disabled, unemployed or widowed. Old age pensions, living alone allowances, benefits like free electricity can prevent poverty. 6
5. Changing Attitudes to Marriage Traditional view: marry young & commit for life. Decreasing influence of church. Women more educated, own careers less likely to settle down to rear children. Marital breakdown more socially acceptable than in the past. Single parents and blended families more common. Marriage often postponed as couples live together first. Roles less defined – women not expected to stay at home and look after the children. 7
6. Legislation on Equal Pay and Employment Opportunities The Employment Equality Act states that both men and women are entitled to equal pay for equal work. A job should be advertised so that it is open to both sexes. 8