What is mail? Mail, or post, is a method for transmitting information such as written documents or tangible objects to destinations around the world.
Though it is a point of debate, the first credible claim for a postal system stems back to Ancient Egypt in 2000 BC. The first mail was in the form of clay. Egyptian papyrus would later be used. How did mail begin?
Transportation (then) From ancient Egypt until the middle of the 19 th century, mail was still being transported the same way – by horse or horse-drawn wagon.
Transportation (now) Today, there are endless possibilities for the transportation of mail. Can you think of some others?
Public sector Private sector Who is in charge of the mail?
Public sector (USPS) The United States Postal Service (USPS) is run by the government. The USPS visits your house six days/week The USPS employs more than 8 million people What happens with your mail:
Test your knowledge of the USPS What is the one day in the week that the mail does not come? What is the current price of a stamp? True or False: Everyone pays the same for postage regardless of his or her location. True or False: The USPS is open on holidays.
Private sector The private mail sector is made up of various companies such as FedEx and UPS. Private companies set their own rates and hours of operation. Private companies compete with the USPS primarily in package delivery. Private companies offer greater flexibility than the USPS.
Test your knowledge of private mail companies True or False: Private companies send more mail than the USPS. True or False: Private companies are open every day. Do all private companies charge the same prices? Whose logo says, “What can brown do for you?”
Different purposes for mail General correspondence Formal correspondence Advertising Announcements Invitations Informational resources (newspapers, magazines) Specific interests (magazines, newsletters)
Letters The oldest and most basic type of mail is the letter. Can you name the key components of a letter? Everyone is capable of writing a letter!
Questions to consider when writing a letter Who will I write to? Should the letter be written in informal or formal style? What type of materials will I use? What will I write about? Is my letter urgent? Do I know where to send my letter? How will I send my letter?
Mail meets technology... Electronic mail ( ) is a method of exchanging digital messages over the internet or other computer networks.
Advantages of Speed Cost Ease Efficiency Versatility Backup capabilities
Disadvantages of Can be time-consuming Privacy issues Can be impersonal Can lead to misunderstandings
Apply your understanding Can you think of ways has changed society? Why do we need both traditional mail as well as E- mail? How will you decide which form of mail to use?
Review In what region of the world did the postal system begin? What was the primary transportation method until the middle of the 19 th century? What two sectors control the mail? What is the most basic type of mail? What is the most advanced method of sending mail?
Fun facts about the USPS 177 billion — total number of mail pieces processed in million — average number of mail pieces processed each day 24 million — average number of mail pieces processed each hour 405,000 — average number of mail pieces processed each minute 6,761 — average number of mail pieces processed each second
The end.