What is happening at SSC re Convergence Technology?
Number 19 in the country in awarding A.A.degrees. 9 th largest college in FL Approximately 32,000 students Student population 51% 26% 12% IT enrollment Networking approaching 1,000 New BS IST about 250 students See
Innovate Virtualization grant through Florida State College of Jacksonville TRI-IT Get high school girls interested in technology NSF-SDEP Grant to create a BAS degree for students at the community/state college. Partners include University of Central Florida, Brevard, Lake Sumter, Seminole, and Valencia colleges.
Revised core, and modified track and added virtualization track. Offering first virtualization courses this Fall (2012) Currently a Vmware and EMC IT academy partner
Accreditation Adding full-time faculty Finding qualified and educated (masters with 18 hrs in field) adjuncts