Speaker’s Corps Training “A good speech, like a woman’s skirt, should be long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest.”
How Do You Say Communicate? Inspire………………. Imagine……………. Ignite…………..
“Experts never go unrehearsed before an audience: what makes us think we can? Good preparation makes for intelligent, entertaining remarks, builds self-confidence, relaxes the audience and helps eliminate fear.” Dick Enberg, Author Humorous Quotes for all Occasions
Training Goal Clear concise and consistent message Most effective way to convey it Commitment to weave all elements of Hadassah in each speech How to deal with difficult situations Put presence in the presentation Ultimately be able to ask for a gift
How To Begin What is my message? Who is receiving it? How am I going to communicate it? Where do I get it? What tools will I need?
How Do You Spell Success? Get the message straight Gather, store and organize information for the most impact Be relevant to the message
“Style” S S ynergy: engage by creating a connection, a synergy between you and the audience T T one: Set the tone from the moment you walk into the room, get up from your seat, walk to the podium Y Y awn Factor: At what point does the audience begin to count the ceiling tiles? L L earn and Lead: You lead by merely standing in front of a group. You are teaching the moment you open your mouth. “E” “E” words: energy, enthusiasm, effectiveness, education, enlightenment, excitement, etc….
The Basic 5 P’s + One Mark Twain said it took him 3 weeks to prepare an impromptu speech………….
Preparation…… Interview Outline Research Organize for impact Does one ever memorize?
Persuasion…….. Ultimate Goal Be real Involve your head and your heart Keep the images of what you are trying to convey in your mind… Be emotional, but do not emote Keep your voice warm
WOW’EM Story Dramatic point Unusual statistic Effective mental image Visual
“Practice all the time. One of the best ways is to put a bunch of marbles in your mouth while you talk. Slowly but surely you take away a marble. And then, when you have lost all your marbles, you are a public speaker…” George Jessel
Practice, Practice, Practice… Even accomplished speakers practice Autopilot What does it mean to practice? Keep the words simple Avoid cliches and buzz words unless they serve a purpose Ensure cadence… Complete an idea without taking a breath
Presence……….. Command attention and respect of audience Audience needs to think you have the edge Dress for success
+ Passion Martin Luther King made a grade of C+ in debate class………. Martin Luther King made a grade of C+ in debate class……….
The Dozen Don’ts…Never: Say before I begin Say anyone’s name wrong Admit you are not prepared Admit you’ve given the speech umpteen times Use offensive humor…know your audience
The Dozen Don’ts…Never: Apologize Exceed the time limit Ramble on Add new points at the end Say you forgot to mention…and then mention it
“ So I wish for you and it is a wish for all of us that strength of body may be added to strength of mind and spirit, so that you may be able to grasp every opportunity, and miss none to make your gifts available for the Jewish cause ” Henrietta Szold