Cognitive Learning Models
Kohler: Insight Learning Wolfgang Kohler –Disenchanted with behaviorists explanation for learning –Believed that cognition, or mental processes must be essential to learning –Observational studies of chimpanzees
Insight Learning Problem – bananas hung outside of chimp’s reach –Initial solutions Pile up boxes and climb on top Use sticks to knock the fruit down
Insight Learning Insight learning –solve complex problems by combining simpler, previously learned responses –Problem-solving occurs through sudden reorganization of perceptions Placed bananas higher up – neither previously learned solutions sufficient to get the fruit
Insight Learning When unable to reach the fruit –First – threw the sticks away and kicked the wall –Later, piled up the boxes, grabbed the stick, climbed on the boxes and knocked the fruit down with the stick –Cannot be explained through either operant or classical conditioning alone
Kohler’s Chimps
Tolman: Cognitive Maps Cognitive maps –Mental representations or images that help organisms navigate through the world Reinforcement has a greater impact on performance than on learning –i.e., reinforcement serves to motivate the animal to demonstrate what it has learned
Diagram of a Tolman Maze
Cognitive Maps Three groups of rats –1) No reinforcement –2) Reinforced on every trial –3) No reinforcement for first ten trials; reinforced on all subsequent trials
Error Curve by Day and Food Deprivation
Maze Learning Start Food/ Goal Box AB
Cognitive Maps Tolman hypothesized that the rats developed cognitive maps of the maze –i.e., Visual/spatial Image or representation of physical space that is used to navigate through the environment Demonstrated latent learning – learning that takes place in the absence of reinforcement –reinforcement necessary to demonstrate acquisition
Bandura: Social Learning Theory Observational Learning –Acquisition of behaviors that results from observation rather than direct experience –E.g., Children learn do cartwheels and handstands Learn what clothes to wear to fit in (e.g., midriffs; low-riser jeans) Learn aggressive behavior
Social Learning Theory Modeling – imitation and reproduction of behaviors of models –Model must be salient (i.e., are attractive, have high status, and are similar to observer) –Parents, peers, siblings, celebrities
Social Learning Theory Vicarious reinforcement –Learn about the consequences of a behavior by observing a model engage in the behavior and experience consequences Outcome Expectancies –Learned association between a specific behavior and a specific consequence OR –Belief about the consequences of our behavior
Social Learning Theory Outcome expectancies –Alcohol makes me relaxed and sociable –Wearing brown polyester will make me a social outcast –If I study for the exam, I will get a good grade –If I eat those cookies, I will feel good –Having sex without a condom will result in enhanced pleasure
Social Learning Theory Positive outcome expectancies –Belief that the behavior will result in reinforcing or rewarding outcomes Negative outcome expectancies –Belief that the behavior will result in punishing or negative outcomes
Social Learning Theory Expectancies influence subsequent behavior –Positive expectancy (i.e., belief that behavior results in reinforcing outcomes) engage in or repeat behavior –Negative expectancy (i.e., belief that behavior results in punishing outcomes) avoid or discontinue behavior
Aggressive Behavior Children observed a model behave aggressively toward the BOBO doll –Were more likely to behave aggressively when given the opportunity to play with the BOBO doll –Especially when the model was reinforced for his/her aggressive behavior